So well wide of the mark then, wasn't I

Ignore the last little lot then - except - I wonder if my last comment in my previous post about Waypoints on memory card also applies to the Zumo 595? I don't know, but it may be worth checking.
To display your waypoints on the map, on my 590 the setting is in
Settings / Map & Vehicle / Map Layers - tick Up Ahead places
Although the Zumo 590 recognises the new Waypoints in the list of favourites, it seems that the Waypoints still have to be imported in order to see them on the map. They appear as a heart on my system. To Import, Where To ? / Favourites 3 bar menu and Import.
And on mine, this is where the problem with favourites on memory cards comes into play. I can't import them if there isn't a favourite in internal memory as well !