chipbl wrote: ↑06 Sep 2024 19:58
Hi, and thanks for your quick reply!
First off, a big thanks is in order for your seminal work on the Definitive XT User Guide. A truly selfless labor that is immensely helpful. I've read it all, and re-affirmed a lot of what I knew plus learned some new stuff! So thanks for that.
Tbt = Yep, Turn by turn. My turn (no pun intended) - RUT?
Thanks for the kind comment. Hardly selfless though - it is one of the way that I learn things. And in any case as the years pass by, I am expecting that others (like your good self) will be able to teach me a thing or to when it slowly starts fading from my memory !!
RUT ? Don't worry about it. When you read about it and want to know more - there are sections in the guide to which you refer - in section 12 - Behaviour Issues.
chipbl wrote: ↑06 Sep 2024 19:58
I think I've identified the culprit. (Note: your comment about loading a track and selecting GO is a point very Zen and well taken, but I'd like to get more out of what the XT is capable of.)
Try it. You'll be surprised how pleasant it is. I was.
chipbl wrote: ↑06 Sep 2024 19:58
So a little zooming and digging into the source track revealed
ONE via that appears to have triggered a massive, invalid re-route during the trip
It's also right near the end of our ride
Where did that additional Via point come from ? Tracks converted to trips do not have via points - only a start and an end.
You also said that part way along the route it stopped giving directions.
Q: Did you have the option to allow U turns turned off ?
I'm clutching at the straws of experiance that I have here. I'm going to say what Im thinking out loud (ie type it). Some of these snippets may illuminate a light bulb over your head, but I'll still be in the dark without being able to reproduce it.
If U turns are turned off on a normal route, the Zumos stop giving directions if you ignore an instruction.
If a route overlays itself - - ie it heads down a road, turns round and heads back along the same road - you cannot tell which part of the route you are on. One clue is to have the distance to end displayed on the right of the screen either in the Trip Data window or in the bottom right white box. But it is only helpful if you are going the wrong way.
Sometimes - and only very occasionally - I have seen a ghost via point in the route. I haven't put it there, it doesn't appear on the map, but tap skip and you can see that this new via point is the one that it is heading for. I have seen it twice. I've got proof of it once, and repeating the same test dong the same things I was unable to make it do it again. But others have commented.
(Please read this as it is. Don't go saying to yourself no, that's wrong. It might be wrong in the detail- but the gist of it fits the clues that you have given me - and the information might trigger a better solution.
When you select convert track to a trip, it will ask which way to convert it - start to end, end to start. (You think you know where the start is because that is the way you want to ride it - but it comes from the route - so did you check that the track is actually heading in the direction that you want. How did you check ?) If you are in the south and thre route starts in the north (ie you are at the end, not the start) - it is going to put a via point up at the north to mark the beginning and take you to it, then it will start navigating the route that has been drawn from the track heading south. On the way up, there are two magenta lines one on top of the other, but they will deviate from each other 'cos the satnav will have calculated a faster way than the track. You have a good idea which way you want to be going so you follow what you know (think) is the correct road. So you have deviated from the road heading north. Even if the magenta line heading north is directly on top of the line heading south, you are bound to deviate anyway, because the junctions will be all wrong if you are heading in the 'wrong' direction.
It is a theoretical possibility.
When did that Via Point appear ?? Was it shown on the map ?
When you selected Go!, the Zumo asks you to select Next Destination. Did you say Begin or End ?