
Got a question about any other routing software that you use for creating routes and transferring to your Zumo? Then post in here and we will try our best to help
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Post by carolinarider09 »

I am in the process of "learning" how to use Basecamp for use with my "new to me" Garmin 595. I Have been reading JFHeath's documents (Avoiding the Potholes) and it is informative. Lots to learn.

I have been building my routes for my 550, 600, and 665 in Streets and Trips for many years. Making the change to Basecamp and the 595 is very challenging.

One of the things I was just reading about was the ability to input GPX files from "Source A" to Basecamp. I just tried and it would not accept my Streets and Trips GPX file.

I then saw the program called "RouteConverter" and was wondering if anyone has used it to convert the GPX files as I mention above so that Basecamp would accept it.
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Re: RouteConverter

Post by Peobody »

There is an eleven year old discussion on the Garmin support forum that talks about a bug in Streets & Trips 2011 and 2013 that was causing broken exports to .GPX. That is a pretty old post but it made reference to a free software product called GPSBabel as a tool that fixed the problem.
This is that discussion: ... p-software
GPSBabel is here:
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Re: RouteConverter

Post by carolinarider09 »

Thanks.. I seem to remember hearing about that in the past but.... long time ago I suspect. Reading the doc file now.
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Re: RouteConverter

Post by carolinarider09 »

And I found this video on YouTube. Converting GPS Files with GPSBable
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Re: RouteConverter

Post by jfheath »

It sounds like you have three problems on the go at the same time.

1. The 595 is a very different beast from the previous Zumos.
2. Basecamp is a very powerful tool for creating routes - but until you know how to do it can be daunting.
3. You are trying to convert old routes from an old format into ones that work with the 595.

When you get your route converted, there may still be issues - because Basecamp and the 595 use different types of route points from the shaping and via points that were introduced with the 590 and 595. And the behaviour of the 595 when riding is very different from that of the 660.

Also, the maps on which your old routes were created will be very different from the ones that BC and the 595 will use. Thus may be causing issues.

I would try to tackle one thing at once, finishing off with converting old routes.

Are you able to create a route in BC with both via and shaping points ?
Can you transfer a route from Basecamp and load it into the Zumo 595.

In the meantime, if you want to attach a couple of old routes that wont load, then I can take a look and see what the problem is. I dont have USA maps, but I don't think that will stop me from being able to find out whats going wrong. I may need to call on @Peobody to see the result on a USA map later.

@carolinarider09 - Does your version of Avoiding the Potholes have the modifications for the Zumo 595. There is a red '590' and/or a Blue '595' at the top of pages where it matters.

That doc was never meant as a guide on how to use Basecamp itself, but it has the important info in there. There are some links to videos that I created as well, but I have done shorter BC videos since. I'll try to find out where thet are. I think I posted them in this site.

Yes, here they are.

Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

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Re: RouteConverter

Post by carolinarider09 »

I understand your comments above and I shall try and use the steps you have identified.
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Re: RouteConverter

Post by carolinarider09 »

Also I might well send you a route that I would like to ride with the 595. It will not be available on the bike for a few months at least, until I get a handle on the device. If I were to use teh 595, I would have to remove the mount for the 665, so the 665 would no longer be useable.
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Re: RouteConverter

Post by jfheath »

carolinarider09 wrote: 12 Mar 2024 17:29 Also I might well send you a route that I would like to ride with the 595. It will not be available on the bike for a few months at least, until I get a handle on the device. If I were to use teh 595, I would have to remove the mount for the 665, so the 665 would no longer be useable.
That is an excellent plan. Did it come with a car mount too ? The UK ones do. You could get used to how it behaves when in the car.

I have the XT and the 595 mount on my bike. The XT mount is in my favourite spot, tucked behind the screen above the dash. I have an ST1300 so there is plenty of space. The 595 mount is just above the tank between the bars - but a good spot for a temporary mount is using the clutch lever or brake lever bracket bolt. Unfortunatley the battery life is very poor on the 59x devices. In fact it is the battery connector terminals which often do not make sufficient contact, so it never gets charged fully. But even when this is fixed - it will not run on battery alone for a full journey.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

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Re: RouteConverter

Post by carolinarider09 »

Cool. And yes it came with a Car Mount but I have mount I used in my 1996 Explorer (still have it but it is for sale now) so I could use my Zumo 550 in the Explorer. It has a much stronger mount and, given the weight of 595 probably the best choice.

Got it connected to he Mac today but need a memory card to download the 2025.10 Maps.
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Re: RouteConverter

Post by carolinarider09 »

Actually it did not come with a real "car mount" just a windshield thingy and a way to mount the GPS Bike mount to that. It did come with what appears to be a power cord for use in the car.

Got the maps updated and we shall see how it all works out. Had to add a memory card (32GB) but it only took up about 1.7 GB on that card for the maps. That seemed a bit low. Maps were suppose to need 7 plus GB of space.