Speed Camera Sound - Replacement?

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Speed Camera Sound - Replacement?

Post by ThePowster »

Hey guys. Newbie here.

I have a Garmin Zumo XT and I wanted to ask a question about the speed camera notification on the device.

I was riding the other day and through the nav on my comms system I get the audible tone 'dong-dong' which is the tone I get when I say do 52mph in a 50.

Anyhoo, I was going down this road niiiice and steady, so I thought when I heard the 'dong'dong' sound and figured oh I must have just creeped over say a 60 in a 60 zone, and as I came around the corner there was a camera and I looked down and I was doing 90 :?

I relied on the 'dong-dong' sound to tell me if I had just crept over the speed limit then I would bring it back down, but it seems this sound is also to warn you of speed cameras.

I'm gutted... I think it was a front facing camera so not sure what is going to happen.

What I do know is moving forward I need to change this warning tone to something with more punch, a siren or something to alert me what's coming down the road.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this on the device? I know on navs in the past you could get different characters speaking etc so I am hoping this is possible.

Also is there a camera database I can purchase for this on say garmin express or is the one on the camera the one to use?

Many thanks in advance :)
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Re: Speed Camera Sound - Replacement?

Post by Fourbears »

Sorry to hear that but hopefully you won’t get an invite to part with money. If you look on https://fliesonthevisor.com/ there is a camera database programme they use - you have to buy it but I think it’s only about a fiver. It’s called CamSam. That might help.
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Re: Speed Camera Sound - Replacement?

Post by ThePowster »

Lovely, thanks a lot for that, I'll defo check it out :)

I have seen this in my Garmin Express, is this worth getting or does the Zumo come with this? I don't want to buy it twice lol.
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Re: Speed Camera Sound - Replacement?

Post by Rofor »

Hi - Warning tone can't be edited/changed. For the second question - if you from Europe or from the UK, the Cyclops speed/safety cameras are coming with your Zumo XT for free and will be updated only by Garmin Express from time to time. No updates of safety cameras via WiFi!
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Re: Speed Camera Sound - Replacement?

Post by ThePowster »

Thanks a lot guys for the help, really appreciate it.
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Re: Speed Camera Sound - Replacement?

Post by jfheath »

I find the warning sound for the speed really irritating - although I do have it on for the rare occassion when I stray above the limit, or the limit sign is masked by trees. I am usually very aware and keep the speed at or below the limit, although I know very well that on roads that I travel regularly, I sometimes find myself starting to open the throttle at the point where the speed delimit sign used to be 20 years ago. Odd long term muscle memory ?

Find the volume mixer and turn everything up to full, to find out what the maximum volume is. I think the speed alert is affected by the Proximity alert volume. Mine is set really low. You may have the volume set as high as it can go, but if the mixer setting for whatever controls the alerts is set low, you won't hear it.

There is also a setting in Driver Assistance -> Proximity Alerts
One for audio where you can select off, single tone or continuous tone.

I suspect, but do not know for sure, that these may affect the speed warning alerts and/or the speed camera alerts
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Re: Speed Camera Sound - Replacement?

Post by Peobody »

jfheath wrote: 30 Sep 2023 09:20 There is also a setting in Driver Assistance -> Proximity Alerts
One for audio where you can select off, single tone or continuous tone.
Perhaps this is a U.S vs European device difference but my XT (U.S.) does not have Driver Assistance -> Proximity Alerts.
It didn't have the option where you could select off, single tone or continuous tone for alerts either until I added a custom POI list. Now I can't find how to access that option.
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Re: Speed Camera Sound - Replacement?

Post by lkraus »

The speed warning was mostly a distracting annoyance to me, so I have turned it off. Momentary speed "creep" of 3-4 mph over the limit does not attract LEO attention around here, so I could usually ignore the alert. I have enough speed awareness, and check the speedometer often enough, to know when I'm over the limit by more than that. (Confusing 90 mph for 60? :o ) I'm might turn the alert back on if I could adjust the sensitivity of the alert.
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Re: Speed Camera Sound - Replacement?

Post by Peobody »

My speed warning is off as well. It has been since early in my XT experience. Like @lkraus, I would find the it useful if I could set a sensitivity level; it going off at +1 mph over got old very fast. I do my best to adhere to speed limits when in urban areas but admit to cruising at +4, conditions permitting. At first I really liked that the color changed on the speed limit indicator. It served as an alert. I thought it was pretty accurate too. Not any more. I rate that last two CN NA NT maps at >50% accurate for speed limits which makes that color change just another unreliable part of the XT.
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Re: Speed Camera Sound - Replacement?

Post by ThePowster »

I was riding down a looooong boring open road, no traffic behind me or in front of me, came round a corner and boom, giant yellow speed camera amongst the trees, no time to even react. I saw it but then figured it saw me first.

It was a forward facing camera so that might be my only saving grace. I guess I'll know in the next 14 days if a court summonds comes through the letter box.

I have a ZX14, even at 90mph it's like 3,000 rpm in top, can't even hear the engine, not that it's an excuse but the damn thing doesn't wanna sit at speed limits.

I am trying hence wanting audible alerts for those moments that I don't realise I've gone over. I didn't intend too was happily singing along, music playing and it happened.

Need to double my efforts. Maybe invest in a radar detector.