Install a µSD card on Zumo 396 LMT-S EU LOUIS EDITION

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Install a µSD card on Zumo 396 LMT-S EU LOUIS EDITION

Post by Jyerre84 »


I think that Zumo 396 LMT-S EU LOUIS EDITION is a little "special". Some in France say it's a "Travel Edition"...
I bought it recently from Louis-moto and this Zumo includes Garmin "lifetime upgradable" maps of America, Africa, Australia...

Thereby, with this Zumo, it is impossible to download his maps on BaseCamp (Mac Catalina) without him being connected and I had to make virtal disk-images to read Garmin Map, OSM and Freizeitkarte (free)...

Another problem :

I wanted to insert in the Zumo 386 a micro SD SDHC Scandisk Extrem of 64 GB, class 10

Big difficulty : the new µSD card is not recognized.
The Zumo was asking me to format this one.
When I did, The Mac (I have OS 10.15.7) didn't recognize it and so MapInstall couldn't find it...

I reformatted it Mac.
The Zumo no longer recognized her...

That saved me ; solution:

— Insert the µSD directly into the MAC card slot ;
— Format the µSD on the Mac but by forcing MS-DOS FAT and not in MS-DOS FAT 32 (in the end it will (re)become FAT 32 by Zumo reformatting)...

— Insert the µSD into the ZUMO card reader;
— Format as desired by the Zumo 396…

We check by opening the µSD a breathing Zumo:


We can then transfer with MapInstall the Freizeitkart and OMS…


Does this solution seem to you to be coherent?


In France, the forum administrator prevents access to this topic! ... =29#259309

I hope that here I could transmit and exchange. Thanks
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Re: Install a µSD card on Zumo 396 LMT-S EU LOUIS EDITION

Post by jfheath »

Welcome to the forum, and thank you for posting this.

That is a neat trick. Format the card to FAT, which it recognises as being wrong.
Then it will format it to FAT32 ?

Cunning !

Something to be aware of - You can tick or untick any number of maps, but if two maps cover the area that you are riding, then make sure that only one of those maps is ticked. Otherwise, the XT will have problems navigating.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

Links: Zumo 590/5 & BC . . . Zumo XT & BC
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Re: Install a µSD card on Zumo 396 LMT-S EU LOUIS EDITION

Post by Jyerre84 »

Yes, jfheath!

I had this problem, and, effectly, I had to check/uncheck the cards of the same area as you say. Which is quite impractical while driving!

Thanks for the FAT/FAT32 explanation.