Speedo reading when in View Map on a 660

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Speedo reading when in View Map on a 660

Post by PlacidoD »

Can someone assist?

I have several bikes and use my 660 as an accurate speedo readout. That is fine when I have a destination set via "Where To". But when I know where I am going or I am on group ride and following others who know the route I use "View Map". I then seem to get a static figure bottom right rather than a speed readout. Anybody know how to get a speedo on screen when using View Map"?

A second bugbear while I am asking. I could really do with the speedo reading at the top of the screen not bottom for when riding with a large tank bag. Can I change it?

Thanks in advance for any replies

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Re: Speedo reading when in View Map on a 660

Post by sussamb »

Not sure what that static reading is. Don't have your model but tap or press and hold it. Do you get any options to change it?
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Re: Speedo reading when in View Map on a 660

Post by carolinarider09 »

I have not physically done this in the last few days but as memory serves what you see on the bottom left and bottom right of the screen is "selectable" and dependent on the mode.

If you don't have a route selected, it shows one set. I you have a route selected it shows another set.

To change it, you have to be in the mode you want to change it for. So select a route and then touch the display (whatever is being shown on the lower left or lower right) and the screen will change to show you various selections (I think you will see a down arrow on the lower right showing that there more options). The one currently selected to display has a checkmark in that field. To change it, touch/select the one you want and then return to the main screen.

For instance, when my 660 is in the basic mode (no routing) I have selected on the lower left elevation and the lower right current speed.

When my 660 is in the routing mode, the lower left shows miles to destination and the lower right shows arrival time.

I don't think there is any way to put the current speed on the upper left or right of the screen.
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Re: Speedo reading when in View Map on a 660

Post by kernowing »

If I'm understanding your question correctly, you need to press the top window of the four on the right hand side of the screen, that will give all the options for the display, press "speed" (a green tick appears) that should put your speed in the top box when you go back to view map.
If your other query is regarding the speed limit indicator, this doesn't always appear in the bottom right hand corner of my 660, some roads in Cornwall seem to confuse the 660 :shock: Hope this helps.
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Re: Speedo reading when in View Map on a 660

Post by Wingstyle »

The static number in the lower corner is the posted speed. Be careful because it is not always correct and is not always there. It's appearance is dependant on the map information.

You have three view choices in the map view; standard view, more data view, and more map view. With the standard view, you get two pieces of on-screen user settable information at the bottom (probably the view you are using). With the more map view, you have user settable information at 3 of the corners, with menu at the 4th. With more data, you get 4 user settable information locations along the right side. To set any of these information positions, just touch it and you will get several choices. Be sure to note you can scroll down for more choices. If you use either the more map or more data view you can set the speed at a top of screen location.

To change your view go to: menu>tools>settings>map. There is a "Map Data Layout" with the three choices. Also, note that your views can be set separately for while navigating and while not navigating.
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Re: Speedo reading when in View Map on a 660

Post by kernowing »

What wingstyle said^^^^^ (rather better than me :D )
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Re: Speedo reading when in View Map on a 660

Post by scylla »

that right lower corner number you reference is the speed limit for that road, and as has been said, it is not always there, and does not always correspond to the real posted limit.

What I would like to have, and please tell me if this can be done on the 665, is on the screen with the BIG compass on the left, change that BIG area to current speed which would be far more helpful in many situations than compass heading, situations like just riding around town to easily see your speed. Bike analog speedos are often hard to read, and the small display of such an important number, maybe the MOST important number, is a ridiculous oversight of software. Can it be changed?
Coincidentally, that screen is the one that allows change of the displayed variables on the Map screen...seems like everything can be chan ged except the compass??
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Re: Speedo reading when in View Map on a 660

Post by jfheath »

Be aware when using the satnav speed - it is not necessarily correct !

In built up areas, in mountainous or hilly areas, when riding along roads near trees or when riding on twisty roads the satnav can be a few mph out. It relies on the distance travelled in a certain amount of time, and if the satellite fix is not particularly good, your position can be tens of metres out, and your speed will not be calculated correctly.

Also, the satnav tells you how fast you have been going in the last few seconds. It never shows you how fast you are going now. Accelerate hard, and it will take a little while to catch up with your true speed.

Most satnavs make assumptions - but a good trick with the 660 is to enter a tunnel at say 30mph and once inside, accelerate to 40mph (speed limit permitting), and hold it there. The Zumo will assume that you are still travelling at 30mph, and will continue to display 30mph. When you reach the daylight, watch the speedo as you cover the distance from where it thinks you are (still in the tunnel) to where it discovers you actually are when you emerge. 296mph !

On straight, open roads with a good view of the sky, if you hold you speed steady on the satnav, and your speedo indicated speed is also steady - your satnav speed will likely be closer to your real speed than your speedo. I use that information to mentally adjust my speedo reading. But even that has to be checked every so often as the difference between speedo and satnav will vary with tyre pressure, air temperature and tyre wear.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

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