Get past the point

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Re: Get past the point

Post by rufasim »

I make my routes in base camp. when the route is finished I go back and check all my waypoints to ensure they are all on the middle of the road. When all is perfect I hit recalculate. I then make sure all the points are do not alert except for the ones that I want to stop at. I just got this unit for Christmas so I am still learning. I made a route to go to a couple of motorcycle dealers and the only via point, (alerted) was the actual location of the dealers. All others were shaping points( do not alert). During the trip I missed a turn. Didn't even realize it till I looked at the track I made with Rever and compared it to the route in base camp. It had me go down 1 exit and get off on an unfamiliar road. There was a shaping point that I missed at the correct exit that I missed. The xt did tell me to get off the correct exit, just didn't comprehend I guess. I didn't need to go back to the point that I missed, just brought me back to the proper route a few miles further down the road. Just a little detour
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Re: Get past the point

Post by Peobody »

Fascinating discussion! I have an XT and experience all of the frustrations with routes and the need for an excessive number of points to insure a route is followed. That said, I have two questions relevant to this discussion.
1. I have definitely had my XT try to force me back to a missed point even though I had returned to the route, or stop showing my progress on the map until I skipped that point. Is that behavior different for waypoints than shaping points?
2. Say I have a route with a five waypoints (start, rest, lunch, rest, end) and numerous shaping points between these waypoints. If I venture off the route between waypoints, and then want to get back to the route, at the closest point will that point be the next waypoint, the next shaping point, or somewhere in between?
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Re: Get past the point

Post by jfheath »

Peobody wrote: 25 Mar 2022 20:29 1. I have definitely had my XT try to force me back to a missed point even though I had returned to the route, or stop showing my progress on the map until I skipped that point. Is that behavior different for waypoints than shaping points?
A waypoint is not a significant part of a route. Not as far as this question is concerned. Waypoints are just points that have been saved prior to being included in a route. Any point on the route, including the points that were first created as a Waypoint, can be made to alert (a Via point) or not alert ( Shaping point).

Via Points announce / alert as you approach and on arrival. Shown on the XT map as orange flags.
Shaping points do not announce on approach or arrival. They are shown as blue circles on the Zumo.

So if I may, I will take the liberty of rephrasing your question: "Is that behaviour different for Via Points and Shaping Points."

Yes. They behave differently. If you deviate from the route / magenta line, the satnav will do its job and continue to try to get you to go to the next route point in its list, even if the point is more or less behind you. This is true no matter whether it is a Via or a shaping point that you have by-passed.


If after deviating from the magenta line, you ignore all of the re-routing nagging, and you then join up with the magenta line later on, the satnav will stop trying to turn you back - as long as you have missed only shaping points.

Why ? The Via points effectively split the route into separate mini-routes. If you deviate but rejoin the mini route later on, the satav is ok with that. You are on the magenta line and still heading towards the Via - which the Zumo often refers to as the next Destination.

It will not let you miss Via Points in the same way. Via Points are really intended to be stopping places or destinations - places that you will definitely pass through. Coffee stops for example. The satnav will not let you miss a Via Point like this. If you do, It will continue to try to get you to go back to the first point that you missed.
Why ? because when you rejoin the magenta line, you have not rejoined the same section of route before the Via. You have joined a later section heading for a different destination / Via. So it continues doing what it has been doing all along - directing you to the next route point in its list - ie the first route point that you have not yet visited.

Peobody wrote: 25 Mar 2022 20:29 2. Say I have a route with a five via points (start, rest, lunch, rest, end) and numerous shaping points between these via points. If I venture off the route between via points, and then want to get back to the route, at the closest point will that point be the next via point, the next shaping point, or somewhere in between?
Again, I will assume that where you have said 'Waypoint', you mean Via Point - so I have changed the quote to say that.

The answer I gave above applies. Let me rephrase the question again and describe a similar route.

Start V0, S1, S2, S3, Rest V4, S5, S6, S7, Lunch V8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S15, Rest V16, S17 S18, S19, End V20

So I have used numbers to identify the sequence and S / V to indicate Shaping and Via points.

You have just passed S1.
Satnav is aiming for S2 and recalculates route repeatedly aiming for S2
Rejoin route before S3
You have missed out S2
You are in the same section
Satnav stops rerouting and now aims for S3.
Thats Ok

You have just passed S10
Satnav is aiming for S11 and recalculates route repeatedly aiming for S11
Rejoin route before Rest V16
You have missed out S12, S13, S14, S15
You are in the same section, that is you have not missed a Via Point.
Satnav stops rerouting and now aims for the point after S15 - Rest V16
Thats Ok


You have just passed S13
Satnav is aiming for S14 and recalculates route repeatedly aiming for S14
Rejoin route before S18
You have missed out S14, S15, Rest V16, S17
You are Not in the same section - you have come across the magenta line of a new section
ie you have attempted to miss a Via Point.
Satnav continues rerouting and is still trying to get you to reach S14
Thats results in a very confusing situation.
You are on the Magenta line, but the satnav keeps telling you to do a U turn. It is trying to get you to go back to S14, which is behind you.
If you have disabled U turns, and you are on a long road without any junctions or ways it can navigate you back to S14, it will look ahead for one. It is 20 miles before the next opportunity to get you to head back towards S14.
So it navigates you ahead for 20 minutes and you think that all is Ok. You seem to be following the route towards S18.
But in fact it is still trying to get you back to S14, and it has found a junction up ahead to get you there. So you get this odd situation 20 minutes later where the magenta line ahead is going towards S18, but another magenta line - the one it is following - is taking the quickest way back to S14.

The XT has a useful trick. Tap the skip button. It tells you the name of the point that it is heading for next. Then you can say no - you dont want to skip.
Less useful is the fact that the XT tends to use a different name for route points from the ones you gave in Basecamp. Unless they were created as waypoints first. It doesn't rename them.
So when I was testing this behaviour I created 20 waypoints. Named them like the example V0, S1, S2, S3, V4, S5 etc etc.
Then made the V points into alerting Vias and the S points into non alerting Shaping Points. And I drove around deliberately missing out points and rejoining the route then tapping Skip to find out which point it was heading for after I had rejoined.

In all of the above, the navigation never heads for the closet point on the route. The calculation is always aimed at getting you to the next route point in its list.

But Closest Entry point is a useful feature. Stop the bike, stop the route, reload it and after pressing Go, select Closest Entry Point. The Xt will find the closest part of the magenta line to you current position and take you there. It does not find the closest shaping point or closest Via Point. it then follows the route from there onwards heading for the next route point after the place that you joined.

But check the map. It sometimes makes weird decisions if you do not allow U turns

More info on all of this in section 4 here


You might also find the previous sections useful too.

I try to keep shaping points to a minimum. That way if I deviate, and I place the point sensibly, the next point to visit is likely to be ahead, so it rarely tries to send me back, it is just recalculating a different way to get me to the next point ahead. Its difficult to achieve this on the XT though, cos faster time works out some weird route thar head for faster roads rather than finding the fastest route.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

Links: Zumo 590/5 & BC . . . Zumo XT & BC . . . Navigating with Zumo Booklet
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Re: Get past the point

Post by jfheath »

If you read my post above previously, Ive edited substantially to add more explanation.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

Links: Zumo 590/5 & BC . . . Zumo XT & BC . . . Navigating with Zumo Booklet