Displaying Favorites on XT

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Displaying Favorites on XT

Post by BMWR1150R »

It seems that I remember that my favorites showed up on the xt. These are sent to xt from Basecamp. Now none show up. what do I need to do get these displayed.
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Re: Displaying Favorites on XT

Post by sussamb »

What do you mean by show up? Are you talking about them displaying on the map screen or showing when you select Where to, Favorites?
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Re: Displaying Favorites on XT

Post by simoncrewe »

BMWR1150R wrote: 16 May 2021 00:15 It seems that I remember that my favorites showed up on the xt. These are sent to xt from Basecamp. Now none show up. what do I need to do get these displayed.
This is how I do it, export all my 'favourites' from Basecamp into Explore on the PC.
Then open Explore on my XT.
Sync the Explore data so they are identical.
In Explore, top left corner there is a 'Wrench /spanner' icon, select that & choose to show or hide collection data on map.
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Re: Displaying Favorites on XT

Post by jfheath »

Separate Waypoints, or Waypoints in a route show up automatically in Where To ? / Favourites as soon as they are transferred to internal memory from Basecamp.

If you transfer the routes and waypoints to SD Card, it doesn't happen on transfer, waypoints have to be imported before they will show up in your list of favourites.

But the XT (and 595) have a gotcha.

If you have removed all of your favourites from internal memory, The Zumo does not seem to bother looking on the SD card to see if there are any to be found there. It simply says that none could be found, when trying to import.

The solution is simple. Put a favourite back into internal memory. You can do this from the Zumo screen:
Tap a point on the map. You should get a flag dropped on the place you tapped. You might need to tap a second time, after the map display changes. Tap the flag. Save it. Job done.

All of your favourites on the SD card will suddenly be available in the list for import.

Someone really needs to get hold of these programmers and give them a serious talking to. That seems like a very basic error in my opinion.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

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Re: Displaying Favorites on XT

Post by bradrh »

Help me understand this, perhaps I'm missing something. I long press on the map, to create a waypoint, it gets saved in Saved Places, but I can't show it on the map unless I go home and dink around with Basecamp or Explore (which I don't use) ?
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Re: Displaying Favorites on XT

Post by jfheath »

bradrh wrote: 30 May 2021 18:33 Help me understand this, perhaps I'm missing something. I long press on the map, to create a waypoint, it gets saved in Saved Places, but I can't show it on the map unless I go home and dink around with Basecamp or Explore (which I don't use) ?
No. I didn't explain it properly.

The XT has two operating modes as regards Favourites.
i) When it IS NOT set up to synch to the Explore website.
ii) When it IS set up to link with the Explore website.

When you go to WhereTo -> Favourites - if you get an orange bar across the top of the list indicating when it was last synched, then it is set up to access the Explore.Garmin.com website - in which case these comments do not apply.

If it isn't set up to link to the Explore website, and you have favourites on your SD card then you will only be able to import them from the SD Card (so that you can use them) if there is at least one favourite stored in internal memory - in the list of imported files.

This is what can happen:
Where To / Favourites / 3 Bar menu / Delete Favourites / Select all / Delete.
Add some waypoints in a gpx file to the SD card.
Waypoints placed on the SD card need to be imported before they can be accessed.
You need to import them. You can't. When you go to Where To / Favourites - the Zumo says 'No Data Available'
It will not let you access the 3 bar button to import them.

So - Create a favourite** on the map and save it. That puts a single favourite into internal memory and into the favourite list.
Now go to Where To / Favourites - and the 3 bar button is available, and you can import them

No need to use Basecamp for this.

**To put a favourite into internal memory, you can press the map on the screen. When you let go, a blue flag should appear on the map. Press the flag or the name bar at the bottom of the screen, and the option to save will pop up. Press Save, and then give it a name eg 'Dummy Favourite'. Done then Save.

When you then go to Where To -> Favourites, Dummy will be listed.
If you then tap the 3 bar menu in the top right, 'Import' will be available, and all of the Waypoints that were (always) on your memory card, will then be listed to import.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

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Re: Displaying Favorites on XT

Post by bradrh »

I think you explained it OK. Explore & SD card are side issues. I can't get my waypoints to show on the map. There must be some setting I'm overlooking. I have software version 6.20
I double checked & I am not connected to Explore, when I go to Where To - Explore it has some verbage explaing what it is & has the options to Connect Now, or Cancel. No orange bar either.
I have no Favourites (or Favorites) under the 'Where To' Menu.
I don't use an SD card, there seems to be plenty of memory on the device for my needs. Under the Where To menu there are a lot of items such as Go Home, Saved, Recent...
I can create a pin on the map and save it, I can see it in Saved - 'All Saved Places'.
If I go to Saved - 'All Saved Places', I have a 3 bar menu which sounds similar to what you're describing, it has 'Delete Saved Places', Import, Share. If I press Import I see a list of waypoints that I've copied to the device & I can import them (via USB), but they still don't show up on the map. The points that I just created on the map do not show up in the import list & do not show up on the map.
If I select a point I have options to show info and navigate to the point, but nothing to just show the waypoint on the map.
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Re: Displaying Favorites on XT

Post by BMWR1150R »

I have found that favorites saved and imported from basecamp will not show on the Zumo XT map display. The only way to have favorite waypoints displayed on the XT is to:
Link the XT with Garmin Explore
Create and export a gpx file of your waypoints and save to your computer.
Open Explore to import the file (download by selecting the import button on upper right)
After importing, go to Explore on the XT and sync.
The waypoints will then show on the map in the XT.
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Re: Displaying Favorites on XT

Post by jfheath »

bradrh wrote: 30 May 2021 22:26 I think you explained it OK. Explore & SD card are side issues. I can't get my waypoints to show on the map. There must be some setting I'm overlooking. I have software version 6.20
Ah. They definitiely used to. They appeared as a rather too large green rectangle with a heart in the middle. There was (and still is) a facility for changing the icon of each favourite. And it was particularly annoying because if you use a favourite as a Via Point in a route, you would get the flag and the green heart. I have v6.20 too.
Yes - they still do show up. I've just imported a route with a number of waypoints included as Via Points within the route. The route was transferred to internal memory - the waypoints go with the route automatically - and they showed up as the green heart symbol - but only when 'Show Up Ahead Places was selected. And only when the map scales showed 1.2 miles.

I'll see what else I can find out !

[menton]BMWR1150R[/mention]'s suggestion of using the Waypoints in explore works fine. Nice little icons which are reproduced exaclty as set, when shown on the XT. You can turn those on and off individually, or together with the route and track if you put them into a collection.

But the waypoints can't be integrated with a route - not in Explore, anyway.

Trouble is, it forces you into using Explore, and for my purposes, that currently throws up too many other issues.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

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Re: Displaying Favorites on XT

Post by jfheath »

Ok - a bit more information

My XT is currently set up so that it does not connect to Explore.

If transferring to Internal Memory, from Basecamp, then there is a new 'feature' in the XT to be aware of:
If you transfer one chunk of data, break the USB connection, then transfer a second set of data with a new USB connection, then the first data to be transferred is over-written. That's OK if it has already been imported (sort of), but if it hasn't, the first set of data is lost.
I had thought that this only affected routes, but it seems that I was mistaken.
The XT displays the favourite green heart symbol if the map is zoomed in to at least 1.2m
and if Up Ahead places is ticked in Map & Vehilce -> Map Layers -> Up Ahead Places. (You don't need to select a particular category).


If transferring to an SD card, then the behaviour is different. The risk of overwriting the previously transferred data has gone. Routes and Waypoints are stored in gpx files. (Mine has a routexx.gpx for each set of transferred routes, but only one Waypoint.gpx). Other have reported numerous Waypointxx .gpx files. I'm not sure why there is a difference. But you need to import routes and you need to import Waypoints before they will show up. And you cannot import waypoints from the SD card unless you have at least one waypoint stored in internal memory, as described previously.

I have had no such problems with Waypoints created in Explore (not recently anyway). They just appear in the Zumo once they have been created on the website, and visibility is controlled by categories. But at present, waypoints cannot be included as a feature of a route.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

Links: Zumo 590/5 & BC . . . Zumo XT & BC