Route only displays as straight line

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Route only displays as straight line

Post by suzukizone »

Trying to learn to use the Zumo 660LM I just got from my friend. When I use the creation tool, click on a start point and drag the icon across a road or two with curves, I only get a straight line displaying. Using base camp. My old nuvi 755 displays a route properly following the curvature of the roads. My friend said he never had this issue so couldn't really help me. I hope to use it once or twice before I kick the freaking bucket. :roll:
Straight line route display.jpg
Straight line route display.jpg (35.52 KiB) Viewed 4826 times
Have updated the map to latest City Navigator North America NT 2021.3.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated by this old,non-tech geezer.
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Re: Route only displays as straight line

Post by Stu »

Check the routing options in Basecamp as something is amiss with it
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Re: Route only displays as straight line

Post by sussamb »

Looks like you have direct activity selected. If you're new to BaseCamp work through this tutorial
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Re: Route only displays as straight line

Post by rbentnail »

Make sure you are using the same map set in Base Camp and on the device.
Russ B. Zumo 595 & XT
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Re: Route only displays as straight line

Post by sussamb »

Well while that's true it's not the cause of this straight line ;)
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Re: Route only displays as straight line

Post by suzukizone »

Thanks all for the replies, especially to sussamb for the link. I have downloaded the 2 pdf's and also forwarded them to my friend. Will begin looking over all that over next few days. Busy preparing for getting my wife into the shop for shoulder replacement surgery and then long recovery at home. We're covered in snow & as aging wimp I only ride anymore if dry so will have time while it melts to get this done. Will feedback results as breaking news.

Thanks again & stay safe especially if you are all over on the other side of the pond. Heard you have a new upgraded version of the 19 in your midst. Please stay safe.

DH, geezering my life away in Maryland USA.
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Re: Route only displays as straight line

Post by suzukizone »

And when I downloaded the Base Camp (yet again but this time from the instructions in the tutorial), the routing ran perfectly.As I went from click to click the magenta route line sinuously followed the actual road contours like an impassioned pit viper. Wow how cool is that? I don't even remember what I did.

Thanks, you made my month!

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Re: Route only displays as straight line

Post by jfheath »

The straight line issue is possibly due to having a vehicle other than motorcycle or car selected. eg walking / off road.

Alternatively your preferences for the route are set to off road, rather than faster tine ir shorter distance.

Note that Basecamp has features which were introduced after the 660. Garmin state that under certain circumstances, the 660 will have problems with routing when a route has been created in Basecamp. It suggests using Mapsource instead.

Some people in this position still create the route in Basecamp and either use the route and cope with the issues, or laod the route into Mapsource and transfer it to the 660 from there.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

Links: Zumo 590/5 & BC . . . Zumo XT & BC . . . Navigating with Zumo Booklet
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Re: Route only displays as straight line

Post by suzukizone »

Well so much of this flies over my poor aging brain but the fact that whatever happened when I used the Garmin site to download the Base Camp program again worked makes me happy if ignorant. Now that I can get the route indication flowing on roads and not doing the flying crow imitation, I need to move on to how to save a route once I create one and then insert it into the Zumo itself. When I was trying to do this with my nuvi 755, it would never work.

BUT! aha! my buddy, from whom I got this Zumo, had been successfully using basecamp to plot routes and then plug them into the GPS. I have gone on numerous rides with him over the years where he had proven to me, however he did it, that it works successfully. Within the next week, we paln to hook up using either mobile phone or better yet FaceTime and since he also uses an iMac, he will be able to take me step by step through the process. If I use FaceTime with wife's iPad, I could even turn the tablet to the computer screen if something odd comes up & he could see what it is. I got an eail from Garmin and the chap said BaseCamp will not work with the 660 but I have the box and all original paperwork and clearly states designed to work with BaseCamp. Well we'll see but my chap has done so for years as stated so before I run off to Map Questland I want him to show me how he does it. I know he said he was taught a "trick" and never had a problem since.

Thanks all, Merry Christmas whether or not you celebrate, if not just take the good wishes anyway. Happy New Year and above all Safe Rides always.
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Re: Route only displays as straight line

Post by suzukizone »

"The straight line issue is possibly due to having a vehicle other than motorcycle or car selected. eg walking / off road."

Oh thanks jfheath, forgot to address this. I had MOTORCYCLE selected as the vehicle of choice, so that issue wasn't the cause. Somehow when I re-downloaded the BaseCamp program from the Garmin site, this time it coordinated the newer maps in the 660 and my computer. Well like I say, over my head.
