Technical Query to any Zumo XT2 Users

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Technical Query to any Zumo XT2 Users

Post by jfheath »

I am very curious as to whether or not various issues with the XT have been transferred to the XT2, or whether they have been fixed.

1. You are following a route with route points (Via/Shaping - it doesn't matter) - it goes from A to B C D E F G in order. You skip B before you reach it - assuming the XT2 has a skip button. Then later, you deviate from the route - say somewhere between D and E. After a while it may realise that heading straight to E is the better way to go. Does it do this, or does it insist on taking you back to the point where you deviated - even if you are close to rejoining the original route. (say less than a mile).

2. Do the route point names get changed when loaded into the trip planner.

3. If you change a Via Point to shaping point in the trip planner app, is the point moved and renamed from what it was.

4. Does Faster time go out of its way to get to faster roads - even if it takes longer.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

Links: Zumo 590/5 & BC . . . Zumo XT & BC
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Re: Technical Query to any Zumo XT2 Users

Post by technoguppy »

As best I can tell so far, not that many miles on it yet but enough to be quasi informed.

1. Typical Garmin recalculate modes. OFF, PROMPTED, AUTOMATIC. I run with PROMPTED. If you say YES when it asks you, it assumes you want to get to the Waypoint you missed (and doesn't let go); it does NOT ask you if you want to skip. It keeps trying to get you back to that waypoint. From now on, I'm likely going to say NO, rather than yes. I do have the SKIP CONFIRMATION feature turned on but it hasn't popped up yet.

2. Not that I can tell. Seems to keep the names as they were in the GPX / BaseCamp file.

3. No. The name stays if you swap it between Waypoint or Shaping Point.

4. Cannot speak to Question 4 ( I would it is total route time, not faster roads).

My $0.02

Oakville, ON, Canada
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Garmin zumo XT2
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