The "Ram" mounts are designed to actually absorb vibration. Solid mounting is going to inflict **more** vibration than the "Ram" mount. Every Jolt and engine vibration will be directly sent to the GPS if it is "Firmly" mounted. (BTW The last few Zumos I bought came with Ram Clones, not actual Ram mounts.)simoncrewe wrote: ↑10 Feb 2022 12:58 ...
You are correct in what you say, although Ram offer a security 'wheel' to replace the thumb wheel. Personally I would not recommend using a Ram mount as it is something else to vibrate / move and put the unit out of the ideal position. My TT mount is bolted firmly to the bike.
I have over 660,000 km / 410,000 km riding V-Stroms with my GPS units mounted on the handlebars using RAM Mounts with no issues. The ability to change the alignment of the GPS is quite nice when riding in different light conditions (less of an issue with the XT than the previous Zumo's.)