Trip order

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Trip order

Post by Andrew_XT »

Hi to all

When i do a long travel i'm usually do one Trip for each day.
Exampel :

in the old navigator they were in alphabetical sequence

In the XT i go to /App/Trip/Saved Trip

and i find all the Trip mixed whit the other, not one is in alphabetical sequence, and honestly i can't understand with wich logig it's ordered.

There is any way to order it in alphabetical sequence

Thank you
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Re: Trip order

Post by sussamb »

Afraid not, same with all devices that use Trip Planner
Oop North John
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Re: Trip order

Post by Oop North John »

If you put the date and departure time in Basecamp, and it's in the future, then the trips will be in a logical order.

For example:

Trip 1 has a departure date of 12 Sept 2021 at 10:00
Trip 2 has a departure date of 12 Sept 2021 at 12:00

Then the trips will be displayed in this order.
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Re: Trip order

Post by sussamb »

You can also set the time on the device and they'll then be listed in time order but not ideal. Why there isn't an option to sort alphabetically or even, as On the trail devices do, sorted in closest to furthest I have no idea.
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Re: Trip order

Post by Andrew_XT »

Thank you All
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Re: Trip order

Post by renemalta »

On my BMW Garmin Navigator my planned trips have always been in alphabetical order Day 1, Day 2 etc.., but since I got the Zumo XT all the trips are mixed up and cannot place them in the order I want.
Did anyone ever find a solution to organize them?
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Re: Trip order

Post by Scottnet »

I raised this with garmin as I had the same issue.

The response I got was that it that the order is based on an algorithm that takes into account the time it takes to import. They added this was by design. How ridiculous is that!

I did of course point out this is completely of no use to the user. I also did suggest that there is no reason to separate trips based on if they were created on the device or imported.

They followed up with the useful suggestion that we should use plan our trips on the XT as this list is alphabetically sorted.

So no you can't order or search in anyway.

Gotta love garmin software...
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Re: Trip order

Post by Richard_R »

I only have the trips I need on the GPS. If its a multi day trip I just call the individual days Day 1, Day 2, etc. As there are only a few routes in the GPS finding the one I want is not difficult.
Because I plan trips in MRA I still have the old routes I have planned on my computer and can easily download them to the GPS if I ever need them again.