How to import a GPX file into a Zumo 595

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How to import a GPX file into a Zumo 595

Post by gazzathehutt »

I'm after some help importing a GPX file into my Zumo 595. I've prepared the route using Strava and have exported the route to my iMac in GPX format. I've tried directly copying the GPX file to different locations in the Zumo and it makes it into the device but it doesn't appear in "trip planner" nor does it automatically offer to load it when I power up the Zumo. I've also tried importing the GPX file into Garmin Basecamp where it appears successfully but I can't see how to get Basecamp to recognise the Zumo - it doesn't appear in the device list in Basecamp. Can anyone help?
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Re: How to import a GPX file into a Zumo 595

Post by rbentnail »

gazzathehutt wrote: 30 May 2020 17:04 I'm after some help importing a GPX file into my Zumo 595. I've prepared the route using Strava and have exported the route to my iMac in GPX format. I've tried directly copying the GPX file to different locations in the Zumo and it makes it into the device but it doesn't appear in "trip planner" nor does it automatically offer to load it when I power up the Zumo. I've also tried importing the GPX file into Garmin Basecamp where it appears successfully but I can't see how to get Basecamp to recognise the Zumo - it doesn't appear in the device list in Basecamp. Can anyone help?
Maybe. I'm a WinDoze user but I had great difficulty getting both Base Camp and Garmin Express to recognize my 595 when connected to my Toshiba laptop. Turned out that not all the usb ports I have will work for communicating. The most convenient one is for charging only.
Russ B. Zumo 595 & XT
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Re: How to import a GPX file into a Zumo 595

Post by sussamb »


Try this FAQ ... Y5pC2CbJGA

It mentions Express but should also help with BaseCamp

Copying the gpx file directly to the GPX folder on the device should work IF the file is the correct format, it would seem from what you say it isn't.
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Re: How to import a GPX file into a Zumo 595

Post by gazzathehutt »

Thanks for your advice rbentnail and sussamb. I’ve made some progress - eventually the Zumo appeared as a device in Basecamp and I was able to transfer the file. No idea why it didn’t show up the first five times I tried it - I didn’t change the USB cable or the USB port. Just sixth time lucky I guess! Then I discovered that the route I had prepared in Strava appeared as a track, not a route in Basecamp. Next discovery was that the files I had transferred directly into the Zumo using direct file transfer had also made it successfully but were showing up as tracks not routes. I used the “convert track to route” function and finally managed to get the route working on the Zumo. None of this is very intuitive and it’s not an operation I do very often so I will probably struggle again next time! Thanks again for your help.
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Re: How to import a GPX file into a Zumo 595

Post by sussamb »

Glad you got it sorted :D
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Re: How to import a GPX file into a Zumo 595

Post by rbentnail »

gazzathehutt wrote: 31 May 2020 09:35 Thanks for your advice rbentnail and sussamb. I’ve made some progress - eventually the Zumo appeared as a device in Basecamp and I was able to transfer the file. No idea why it didn’t show up the first five times I tried it - I didn’t change the USB cable or the USB port. Just sixth time lucky I guess! Then I discovered that the route I had prepared in Strava appeared as a track, not a route in Basecamp. Next discovery was that the files I had transferred directly into the Zumo using direct file transfer had also made it successfully but were showing up as tracks not routes. I used the “convert track to route” function and finally managed to get the route working on the Zumo. None of this is very intuitive and it’s not an operation I do very often so I will probably struggle again next time! Thanks again for your help.
I should have mentioned the wait. Sometimes when I try to connect with Base Camp it takes a long time. I found it's better to have the gps off when plugging it in, and Base Camp closed, then just wait. Sometimes Garmin Express opens which in itself sometimes takes forever then another eternity for Base Camp to see the device. I always close Express if it's opened prior to using Base Camp with the device. I don't know if it's true but it seems there's often some kind of conflict between the two on my older laptop.
Russ B. Zumo 595 & XT
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Re: How to import a GPX file into a Zumo 595

Post by sussamb »

Yes, Garmin recommend not having both running at the same time. I have Express set to not run when a device is detected.