Was i drunk?
I regret it now. My lovely new Zumo XT was sold and shipped Friday to someone on the internet for less than I paid for it, and now I'm thinking what do i do now? No GPS with me now of any kind. Wow am I ever dumb. My XT is now long gone, but the new owner will be happy, he got a deal.
How? easy, just list it on MarketPlace.com online and then wait for an offer to buy it and then click the accept button, then wrap the Zumo up on its box and drive to the Post Office and then says, Good-bye lovely Zumo, then come home and the next day go, Oh Crap, what have I done? What I think this is call is Not Thinking It Through before listing it for sale on MarketPlace, and since there's no way of getting it back, I am looking for a used one or a way to use my samsung phone for navigation. The whole thing was intentional and a dumb idea to sell it. Which proves to me one major lesson, a person doesn't realize they are dumb until they experience what being dumb is like lol.
Clearly a case of temporary insanity, although I admit that the XT has pushed me to insane limits on occasion. At those moments I'm more inclined to throw it so perhaps reacting as you did and gaining some benefit through its sale was a very sane thing to do.
2008 Honda GL1800 Goldwing
zūmo XT linked to Cardo Packtalk Bold and iPhone SE.