How to hardwire a XT2 to Honda CB500X so it auto powers on and off.

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Sean OZ
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How to hardwire a XT2 to Honda CB500X so it auto powers on and off.

Post by Sean OZ »

This will hopefully be of benefit to those who own a Honda CB500X, (mine is a 2020 model) and want to know how to connect the Zumo XT2 to the Honda and have it auto power on, and auto power off, the same as the headlights.

Wasn't too hard, just fiddley. I had to remove both of the left-hand panels, to access the 2020 model CB500X accessory power plug, which is located behind the left panel, next to the tank and is a power-on-power-off outlet. (There is also another available accessory plug on the right side of the bike under the front panel, and I "think" another towards the rear under the bike's seat.)

As I was already using the accessory power plug, to run power to the optional cigarette lighter plug outlet. I also needed to install a splitter cable, so I had two ignition-controlled outlets. I was stumped for a bit trying to work out how to connect the splitter cable, to the power outlet plug (both were female connections. I finally realized (after much frustration!) I could just use one of the “male tails” to connect to the bike's female power outlet and then hook into the "female" tail on the splitter cable, to power the XT2. (See the below attached photo.)

I have also provided an EBay Australia link to the splitter I brought. There are others, but they all seem to have to be purchased from overseas when shopping from Australia. Hardest thing was crimping the tiny Zumo wires to the provided female "raw" plug with just tiny needle nosed pliers and removing the front L/H panel! I made sure to also wrap all the new connections in layers of electrical tape to lessen the chance of any water getting in. "Pro Tip". Always make a small fold at the end of the tape, so you can easily find it and remove it again if you need to. Also check everything is working as it should, as you wire up things. A few cable ties and routing the Zumo cable just right, everything turned out neat and tidy!
ZUMO Wiring diagram..jpg
ZUMO Wiring diagram..jpg (120.93 KiB) Viewed 2098 times
Zumo XT2
2020 Honda CB500X
Sometimes down, but never beaten. :-)