Shaping/way points and GPS reception

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Shaping/way points and GPS reception

Post by stratblue »

Hi there.

I made a route in Basecamp yesterday then tried to ride it on the motorbike. The GPS signal was still being aquired after I passed the start point of the route. A short while later I got a 'make a u turn' instruction. I repeated the process today and got no such instruction, however due to traffic/road conditions I couldn't keep an eye on the screen to see exactly when the GPS reception hooked up but I suspect it was before the start point of the route. The next shaping point was many miles ahead.

Is it the case that if GPS reception is aquired after the start point of a rout,e the Garmin Zumo 590 LM will want to take me back to the start point whereupon it will issue me yet another 'make a u turn ' instruction to send me back in the direction I originally wanted to go?

Basecamp and Zumo all up to date.

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Re: Shaping/way points and GPS reception

Post by lkraus »

When you start a route, the Zumo first calculates a route from your current location to the selected Start point. The Zumo did not know where you where until it acquired a signal, so it sent you to that point first before beginning the planned route..

That's one reason why it is best to plan your route with the Start point at a distance from where the bike is parked. My routes from home all start at one of the intersections to the north or south (>300 yards).
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Re: Shaping/way points and GPS reception

Post by MSTOCK27370 »

Once your 590 has located satelites where you are, it should connect to satelite signal very quickly, definitely less than a minute. If your GPS is taking that long to get satelite signal, the internal battery may be weak. As suggested by others, your start point should be a short distance from Home or wherever you are beginning.
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Re: Shaping/way points and GPS reception

Post by stratblue »

Hey there.

Thanks for the replies, the 1st point was a mile or so up the road, I was hoping that the Zumo was smart enough to realise that I'm on the right route, it's just another quirk that I have to be aware of.
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