Nav V internal memory full, load new maps

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Nav V internal memory full, load new maps

Post by snotty54 »

If this info is already on the forum, apologize for missing it. I did a thorough search then asked one of the admins. I have a Nav V and the internal memory is full. I've got a 32gb sd card and would like to a) remove maps from the internal memory to free it up; b) load the new 2024:20 maps on the Nav V's sdcard. Anyone know how to do that? I've also googled but couldn't find the info. I'm sure it can be done, hopefully someone on here knows how and knows where I can get the info.

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Re: Nav V internal memory full, load new maps

Post by sussamb »

No need to mess about like that, Express will automatically use the card if it needs to when updating maps. The only issue may be that when you say the internal memory is 'full' as Express may baulk if there isn't a small amount of free space on your device, how much free space is there? A few hundred mbs is enough, if you don't have that the easiest solution is to delete the junction view file, which is a file ending in .jcv
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Re: Nav V internal memory full, load new maps

Post by snotty54 »

Hey Suss, thanks for the reply. I deleted a bunch of stuff in there like the various languages and anything I felt wasn't necessary, and did gain some space. Express says it can load the 2024.10 maps, but not the latest 2024.20 maps. In older Zumos I could use MapInstall to get the maps all on the sd card, guess that isn't an option anymore?

Any other suggestions you may have much appreciated.

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Re: Nav V internal memory full, load new maps

Post by sussamb »

Which map are you trying to update? Is it one that was originally installed on your device and not one you've bought separately? If it's not the original map then its not updateable.