Peobody wrote: ↑06 Feb 2024 01:00
Yup! Just do everything from within Basecamp. In fact, there may not be any reason to use the card at all except for music.
...And you will find many example of me advocating the use of Internal Storage rather than the SD card.
But I have changed my mind. I'll explain why:
In internal storage, any tracks that are contained within the exported file are automatically imported and then the commands are deleted from the GPX file. It is impossible to import them again.
From BC, routes are transferred to temp.gpx, and can then be imported from there on the XT screen. However, if you then reconnect the USB cable and transfer more routes, the original temp.gpx file is erased and a new one is created. So those original routes / waypoints can not be re-imported either.
On the XT, if you make changes to the running route, it alters the imported version. There is no way to get back to the original - unless it is one of the last items transferred, in which case it may be obtainable from temp.gpx to re-import
If the SD card is used for storage, the XT does not touch the contents of the files or the files themselves.
Any data - tracks, routes, Favourites/Saved can be deleted fromt he XT screen and then reimported.
Tracks need to be imported manually.
Waypoints are not imported automatically on transfer
It is possible to import some data twice - so you have two or more copies in your lists.
Favourites may not be found to import (in any location), unless there is at least one favourite in Internal Storage. If this happens, tap the map to create a point (any point) and save it. That puts a favourite into internal storage. Once that is there, try to import them again - they will magically appear.
I very rarely remove the SD card to use it for data storage. I connect the USB cable to the XT.
I have big fingers. Clumsy. Last time I removed an SD card was from my video recorder. Held it between thumb and finger while I did something else, and it dropped soemwhere benearth the fairing, but never fell to the ground. One day, I may be able to recover it. BUt it was an expensive loss. It was a very fast 256Gb card cabalble of storing about 4 days worth of front and rear camera recordings.