Off-route message when you are not

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Off-route message when you are not

Post by danham »

Just got back from a 1000-mile road trip (cage, unfortunately) to the northern Adirondacks. This was my first long drive using A to B navigation, letting the XT pick the routes. Several times it said I was off route when I definitely was not. All but one of the times it was on a cloverleaf -- a system of tightly curved ramps to allow exiting or entering a limited access divided highway. One time it was on a straight stretch of highway but there was a lane shift due to construction.

All of this leads me to believe that the XT has almost no tolerance for slight map or satellite fix errors, meaning if it thinks the XT is 10 feet (or maybe even less) to the right or left of what it defines as the route, it panics. Easy enough to deal with by forcing it to ask to recalculate and then saying No, but I wonder if this behavior -- very different from my previous zumo 660 -- is at the root of other weird routing issues?

I'm headed (bike) to the West Virginia mountains next week and I hope those twisty roads don't put the XT into constant panic mode on pre-planned routes.

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Re: Off-route message when you are not

Post by Peobody »

I agree that the XT can be quick to generate an off-route message. Highway on and off ramps are a common location, as are roads running parallel to each other divided only by jersey barriers or guardrails. I have found that responding 'no' to the recalc request is the end of it. The XT usually quickly realizes that I am on-route and carries on. My recalc is set to "Prompt".
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Re: Off-route message when you are not

Post by Stu »

I have found mine the opposite!

I find that it takes a while before it recognises I am off route
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Re: Off-route message when you are not

Post by electro_handyman »

I get my off route/recalc when the road locations are newer than the maps..... multiple times the map thought I was in the middle of a field that is now a road.
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Re: Off-route message when you are not

Post by rbentnail »

Peobody wrote: 01 Jun 2023 17:57 I agree that the XT can be quick to generate an off-route message. Highway on and off ramps are a common location, as are roads running parallel to each other divided only by jersey barriers or guardrails. I have found that responding 'no' to the recalc request is the end of it. The XT usually quickly realizes that I am on-route and carries on. My recalc is set to "Prompt".
This ^ is my experience and actions too. Answering no to prompted recalc helps a lot. This lack of tolerance is also how we (I) learned to place the start point down the road- I couldn't figure out the exact spot in the huge meeting place parking lot to cross in so I could quit the u-turn instruction when starting out.

I've also had the "middle of the field" experience with new roads not updated yet. Same with a closed road detour- I answer no, I'll meet back up with the route later, it'll be ok.
Russ B. Zumo 595 & XT
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