I have 3 Zumo devices (590/450/550) and usually wait a year or more before installing a map update, just because it becomes a few hours of labor.
In the past, I have always gone into Basecamp (590) or Mapsource (450, 550) and recalculated all of my saved routes and then imported them back into each GPS. I considered this to be a good practice and vaguely remember that Garmin devices would loudly complain if you tried to use a route that was created with a different map version.
Right after I updated the map on my 590 with 2024.10, I went out. So I put it on the bike and just to experiment, pulled up an installed route that was built with 2022.20. No issues, no warning messages. The route worked just as it should.
So I am wondering if the 590, or the 450/550 Zumos still need to have their routes recalc'd on the new map version?
Gonna post this on the 590 and the 450 sub-forums, since I think there's a chance that the answer may be different depending on the device.
Do You HAVE TO Recalculate Routes?
Do You HAVE TO Recalculate Routes?
Michael S.
Trinity, North Carolina
Zumo 590LM, 396LM, 550 BMW R1100RT, R100, R60/6
Trinity, North Carolina
Zumo 590LM, 396LM, 550 BMW R1100RT, R100, R60/6
Re: Do You HAVE TO Recalculate Routes?
After a few hours, the answer for the 450 and 550 is now clear to me. The routes have to be recalculated and reimported.
Once the map was upgraded, the routes no longer followed the roads. At least by appearance, the routes became a series of straight lines.
What I did is; open a file in Mapsource with all of the routes that I wanted. I recalculated each route in Mapsource and then selected all of the routes and did a "Send to Device" which sent all of the routes and waypoints to the 450, then the 550. When I imported the routes, each route recalculated during the import process. Opening any of the routes and Previewing them showed the route was now following the roads exactly as plotted.
Once the map was upgraded, the routes no longer followed the roads. At least by appearance, the routes became a series of straight lines.
What I did is; open a file in Mapsource with all of the routes that I wanted. I recalculated each route in Mapsource and then selected all of the routes and did a "Send to Device" which sent all of the routes and waypoints to the 450, then the 550. When I imported the routes, each route recalculated during the import process. Opening any of the routes and Previewing them showed the route was now following the roads exactly as plotted.
Michael S.
Trinity, North Carolina
Zumo 590LM, 396LM, 550 BMW R1100RT, R100, R60/6
Trinity, North Carolina
Zumo 590LM, 396LM, 550 BMW R1100RT, R100, R60/6