When I saw the first bracket for my motorbike, I realized what a great job this man has done for 40 years in the sheet metal and bending business. Frankly a REAL professional job.
By the way, thanks to him and to Clément who worked with a lot of sympathy and kindness to achieve a great job.
Now, let's get down to business. With Clément, we installed the first support which fell right on the spot and was perfectly positioned in relation to the rotation axis of the bubble.
We just had a bit of trouble getting the threaded bolts to go through the axis of the spring (you'll see on the pictures below) but everything fit perfectly. Afterwards I took it for a test ride and was amazed at the stability, even at very high speeds of this mount and combined with the very good visibility of the Garmin Zumo XT, it will be a treat for future rides.
The pictures: