Hi - Do I need to purchase a Zuma GPS locally, or can I purchase online to save some $$$ and download the correct maps for New Zealand?
Listed price is $899
Cheapest in NZ is $699
Online from FC Moto - landed for $613
But Can i get the correct maps?
Purchase online and us in NZ
Re: Purchase online and us in NZ
Well you could but 2 issues I can think of. You'd need to purchase the correct map, and that is a one off purchase. It won't be updateable like the one supplied on the NZ model. Also you get the map only. You won't get things like junction view etc.
Re: Purchase online and us in NZ
I'd buy it in NZ. I'm still waiting for FC Moto to return my Schuberth intercom that was replaced under warranty.
That was six years ago.
That was six years ago.