Nubee questions

Having Garmin zumo XT problems? there is loads of help and advice in this forum
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Nubee questions

Post by Nortoncommando »

Just got a Zumo XT and I would like recommendations on an basic laptop for using with it, bring along on motorcycle trips (base camp). I will also be loading music files so what is a good size SD care. I know, dum bass questions , but I am a bit tech deficient. :mrgreen:
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Re: Nubee questions

Post by electro_handyman »

As far as a laptop for travel, I personally use a Lenovo thinkpad netbook with ssd hard disk. It's fairly light weight and travels fairly well on the bike.
Re a microSD for the XT, remember that the XT will only see the Fat32 file system, so what that means, if you get a card larger than 32Gb in size you will not be able to format it with basic Microsoft format tools.
I don't know if Mac/Apple can format Fat32 or not, but with Windows you will need a 3rd party format utility for cards larger that 32Gb.
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Re: Nubee questions

Post by colirv »

You want the laptop to be small(ish) and light. Windows will format a microSD card ok. I'd have thought 32Gb would be plenty. Ideally the laptop should have a USB2 or 3 slot for the XT's lead. As an aside, if you have a PC as well use something like Dropbox (free) for your Basecamp data, which both machines can access.