BMW navigator mount to Zumo XT 3dam adapter

Wondering how to mount your Garmin Zumo? feel free to ask in here or even show off your mounting method.
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Re: BMW navigator mount to Zumo XT adapter

Post by jfheath »

I have successfully installed OSM (Open Street Maps) on the XT.

One server that provided access to these seems to be having trouble, the last time that I tried to download an update, and is now a non-starter. Someone on here provided a link to another source. Sorry, I don't know where the link is now, but a search for OSM should come up with some.

They are excellent maps - but do not have any speed limit information, so the value for ETA is well wide of the mark since every road is de-restricted !

All you have to do is get the gmapsupp.img and place it into the Map folder on the SD card, and the Zumo will find it in 'MyMaps'. You can have maps for the same area on your XT without problems, but you must have only one of them ticked, otherways you will get all sorts of funny errors. The map can also be used in Basecamp
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

Links: Zumo 590/5 & BC . . . Zumo XT & BC
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Re: BMW navigator mount to Zumo XT adapter

Post by Fourbears »

Stu I think I may have the charging problem as it does not always show the XT charging. It sometimes tells me it’s going to switch off while riding but I just press cancel. So spill the beans on the charging then!
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Re: BMW navigator mount to Zumo XT adapter

Post by sussamb »

Navat2021 wrote: 28 Oct 2021 12:16 BTW Stu, I looked up the Zumo XT on the Garmin website and found no info concerning availability of world maps for this device. So I am in the US and assume it comes with maps for North America and perhaps also Mexico. Just wondering if you know if this unit is eligible for any other maps??
Devices normally come with maps of their 'local' area, so an EU device will have European maps, or a subset of them, and a device bought in the US will have US maps, but you need to check exactly what the coverage is. In the US some come with full NA maps including Canada and the US, others may simply have US etc.
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Re: BMW navigator mount to Zumo XT adapter

Post by Stu »

Fourbears wrote: 28 Oct 2021 17:01 Stu I think I may have the charging problem as it does not always show the XT charging. It sometimes tells me it’s going to switch off while riding but I just press cancel. So spill the beans on the charging then!
Its the voltage converter that is inside the adapter

It puts out something like 5.11v which is fine but as soon as you connect the XT the voltage drops to below 5v which is not enough to charge it

I replaced mine with an adjustable one and set it at 5.15v and it works perfectly now (although not tested for a long period)

If you are OK with a soldering iron its an easy fix its just de-solder the converter thats in there and putting a new one on 4 wires to do

this is the one I bought ... %3A2047675

Well I got 10 to be honest rather cheap :lol:

This is the one that needs removing
20211020_162804.jpg (145.07 KiB) Viewed 9409 times
You carefully peel the back cover off and its there

Once you have put the new one in its just a case of setting the voltage (which I do on the bench first then solder it in) then glue the back cover back on
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Re: BMW navigator mount to Zumo XT adapter

Post by Navat2021 »

Okay, got it! And so I went ahead and just ordered off eBay the Zumo XT....Will let you know when arrived/installed.

Question about installation/mounting: Hoe is the ZUMO bracket/3D Motorrad R1200RT adapter assembly connects to the BMW navigation cradle. Do you simply snap it in or does the assembly need to be bolted somehow to the cradle? Since there are no clear instructions I am trying to avoid busting any of the bike's plastic parts and such (The 3D Motorrad video does not address this question in any way or fashion).

Again, thanks much!
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Re: BMW navigator mount to Zumo XT adapter

Post by Navat2021 »

Wow, lots of info to absorb. I am new to the Garmin world but will dig in! Thank you all who provided info on the topic of maps!!
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Re: BMW navigator mount to Zumo XT adapter

Post by Stu »

Simply attach the mount that comes with the zumo to the adapter and it all clips together!

Put the adapter on to the zumo then it clips in to the BMW mount bottom first the snaps in the top
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Re: BMW navigator mount to Zumo XT adapter

Post by Navat2021 »

Okay Stu, got it!

Zumo supposedly arrives the coming Monday...I'll be watching for the performance of that voltage regulator. However you provided a solution which is quite simple to implement...

Thanks much!
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Re: BMW navigator mount to Zumo XT adapter

Post by Stu »

@Navat2021 let me know how you get on with it
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Re: BMW navigator mount to Zumo XT adapter

Post by Navat2021 »

Hey Stu, Zumo XT arrived today and have already installed it along with the 3D-Motorrad (product from Italy...) adapter. Zumo comes up when I turn on my 2018 RT. Thanks for clarifying installation in previous posts!

So I already have a question: Is the Zumo supposed to be turned off when I switch Bike's key off? If GPS unit stays on and is awaiting its removal from the cradle in order to turn it off then I say it is disappointing! Am I missing something with the unit's operation?

Again, thanks!