lifetime maps on used 590/595?

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lifetime maps on used 590/595?

Post by hammer »

I am looking at used bikes and one comes with a used zumo. owner is not original zumo owner, he bought from someone else. He doesn't even know if 590 or 595. I asked about updating and he didn't have any idea. So, from what I read, the owner has to unregister zumo and new owner register it and the lifetime maps will still work. BUT, he never dealt with this and I have no idea if original owner ever registered and then unregistered it? If it was registered but never unregistered, is there anyway to update maps/software? Maybe the current owner can contact original owner, but I am not sure how long ago it was purchased and if able to contact him.
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Re: lifetime maps on used 590/595?

Post by sussamb »

Doesn't matter, you'll still be able to update it if it has lifetime maps