Slow route selection when making route

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Joined: 06 Jan 2019 17:09
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Great Britain

Slow route selection when making route

Post by Jon »

I have downloaded latest Garmin maps 4.8.11. on my mac.

I have been trying to plan new routes for a UK based tour but have found that when selecting the start and finish points it takes a lot longer for Basecamp to make the route. Also when shaping the route basecamp takes an age compared to before to make the changes.

I have reloaded Basecamp and still have the same issues.

Maps and Garmin Express are all up to date.

Any ideas please

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Great Britain

Re: Slow route selection when making route

Post by sussamb »

Perhaps it might be worth giving an example of a route you're trying and indicate the time the calculation takes, that way others can try themselves and see if the results are different? Also say which map you are using?