Overlapping Routes

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Overlapping Routes

Post by m185945 »

I have a route on BC where about two miles of route overlap (not cross). After completing a route I go back through the route looking for subsequent shaping points too close together that cause the directional arrow to unintentionally do a u-turn. That is easy to do when the route goes in one direction, but not so easy when there is an intentional overlap with arrows intentionally going in opposite directions. I know how to increase the zoom level then move the map and watch the arrows stay steady, wobble, or spin around, but that is too difficult in overlap areas because there are automatically multiple arrows going in both directions and sometimes the arrows overlap so you cannot focus your eyes on one particular arrow. I tried using the Playback option and it is sometimes helpful (when the large arrow does a 180), but is there a better way to identify SPs that do an unintentional u-turn in an overlap section? I'm experimenting with dividing the route at an overlap. Dividing eliminates the overlap, but then I need to rejoin the divide.
Last edited by m185945 on 18 Apr 2020 02:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Tom Schmitz
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Re: Overlapping Routes

Post by Tom Schmitz »

Have you tried double-clicking the route and, on the pop-up that shows the way and shaping points, seeing if the "Optimize" button is not greyed-out? If it is not, click it and see if that gets rid of the issue. Then you can do a Ctrl-Z to undo that and examine both routes to determine where the route went bonkers.

If the "Optimize" fixes the problem, all well and good. If it doesn't, you'll know what you need to do to manually correct it.
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Re: Overlapping Routes

Post by m185945 »

Thank you for the reply, but the route does not need optimized. The overlaps are intentional, but when I move the map to watch the arrows react (i.e., continue pointing in the right direction) I cannot distinguish between the arrow going the direction I am focused on in contrast to the arrow intentionally going the other direction. It's a visual problem only in the area of an intentional overlap. I need the arrow going the opposite direction of my focus to temporarily disappear so my eyes can remain focused on the arrows in the direction I'm going. It is so awkward that sometimes the arrows piggy-back each other (instead of passing under each other) for way too long.
piggy-back arrows in an overlapping section
piggy-back arrows in an overlapping section
piggy-back arrows.JPG (881 Bytes) Viewed 1953 times
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Re: Overlapping Routes

Post by sussamb »

I think your best bet is to do as described, split the route, check each half and then rejoin the routes.