RiderJenny wrote: ↑14 Sep 2018 21:40
Hi guys, Jenny here from Rider Magazine in the U.S. I've got a 396 LMT-S that I'm reviewing for the magazine and it has started doing this Incident Detected thing as well. I headed out on a 5,000-mile endurance ride...day 1 it was fine, day 2 it was fine...day 3, it suddenly started throwing up those alerts.
Just wanted you to know that I've reached out to Garmin with my rather large stick. Hopefully they address it sooner rather than later. Seems a simple software update might solve it....
Hi Jenny. Sure hope they get off their collective butts soon! A factory reset may solve some problems but when one spends all that time learning about the new device & setting it up for personal needs/wants, the last thing we should have to do is dump all that time and work in the trash b/c of a device glitch. I was thinking.... when we have a nagging problem, should we just email you? Maybe Garmin will listen!
Russ B. Zumo 595 & XT
2007 & 2013 USA Yamaha FJR1300A
Hi Jenny,
On behalf of everyone with this problem I say thank you. It is so annoying, and clearly a widespread problem with these units.
Good luck with the rides and stay safe
Suddenly yesterday, after behaving for a couple of months, my 396 started throwing out "incident detected" alerts again. One of them was different though, saying [my next of kin contact] will be contacted, and started counting down from 30 seconds! I cancelled that one PDQ.
If there's one thing more annoying than a fault, it's an intermittent fault.
alan29 wrote: ↑10 Nov 2018 13:27
Can you change it between car mode and bike mode? Would it make any difference?
Worth a try, I suppose. A quick skim-read of the manual suggests the only difference between bike mode and car mode is that fuel tracking is unavailable in car mode. I don't use that feature anyway. I wonder if there are any other differences between car and bike modes that are not listed in the manual?
i've not installed .30 yet. I thought the 396 would do updates automatically by WiFi but it seems not. I'll look into updating when I've finished dealing with my dead NAS drive... one IT issue at a time please!
Fitz wrote:i've not installed .30 yet. I thought the 396 would do updates automatically by WiFi but it seems not. I'll look into updating when I've finished dealing with my dead NAS drive... one IT issue at a time please!
To keep mine stable, I’ve turned off both WiFi and Bluetooth. Updates via cable only. Otherwise the sucker freezes or does repeated resets.