Irritating permissions screen

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Irritating permissions screen

Post by alan29 »

Roughly every third time I start up I get a screen asking me if I want to share data with Garmin.
I have turned off device data Sharing in the Settings menu but it still happens.
How do I stop it completely?
Oop North John
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Re: Irritating permissions screen

Post by Oop North John »

Does anyone have this answer to this 3 years old question, as I'm an almost a happy owner of a 396, apart from the permissions screen irritation?
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Re: Irritating permissions screen

Post by Fxwheels »

I just click on "No" each time it appears. Not sure if you can completely turn it off.
As for being happy, I have mixed fillings about the nav. It works well if you follow it start to end, but it can give you runaround if you say, want to cut a part of it and rejoin later on, or start the route not from the beginning, it can be tricky.