This procedure assumes that you have a common body of music on both an Apple device and the zūmo XT and that you have Apple playlists that you would like to export to the zūmo XT.
1) Export Apple playlists, using iTunes, to .m3u format, saving to the local drive.
2) Open an .m3u file with Notepad.
3) Find All path information such as "C:\Users\Thor\GodOfThunder\Music\Mjölnir" and Replace All with "3:". Thus, C:\Users\Thor\GodOfThunder\Music\Mjölnir\Vanilla Fudge\09 - Shotgun (Single Version).mp3 becomes 3:\mp3\Vanilla Fudge\09 - Shotgun (Single Version).mp3
4) Save .m3u file and export it to the zūmo MP3\playlist directory.
5) Open Music on the XT and Browse to find the playlists. Open the playlist; you should see the song titles. Open the playlist and play to ensure that it works.
It is not strictly necessary to have a 'playlist' directory under MP3.
This process should also work, obviously, if you have existing .m3u playlist files from, for example, an Android device (in cases where the path to the song is incompatible with the XT).
I have 20 playlist files that are common across my Apple devices. They range from 25 to 105 songs and would be very tedious to key into the XT. Using this process, it took about 5 minutes to convert the files and have them ready to upload into the XT.
Transferring Existing Music Playlists To The XT
Re: Transferring Existing Music Playlists To The XT
Thanks. I no longer use playlists but this looks like a good tip. I might actually create some.