Internal Memory access (Mine's nearly FULL)

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Re: Internal Memory access (Mine's nearly FULL)

Post by Td5 »

It may but MapInstall only installs the map, not all the other updates that come with a map update that ideally your 595 needs.
You really need to get Express to work, so ensure Express is up to date and try it again.
Good point, thanks. Contacted Garmin here and they acknowledged this problem and are working to solve it.

I have tried the latest Express version but it don't work. I wonder why Garmin have done their system so
that it hide the maps. When I look at the files in my Zumo 595, they are very small, but somewhere is
some big files that take space. I went thru all directories on my Zumo and could not find any big files.

I have to recheck the \.System\SID as Ikraus say.

I asked also it the unit could be total reset and start from empty memory, let's see what they say.
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Re: Internal Memory access (Mine's nearly FULL)

Post by sussamb »

Map is in the .system folder, which by default on most Garmins is a hidden folder. If you have the full EU map half of it will also be in a folder named Map unless it's on a card in which case it's in a folder named Garmin
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Re: Internal Memory access (Mine's nearly FULL)

Post by Td5 »

How can I see .system folder? I have check in Win10 show all folders, system and hidden, no .system.
This stupid windows is making decisions, really stupid system.

But I have a Mac and it show the .system and it's 14,37GB.
There is a folder SID that have 13,7GB of something. 121 files and the oldest one is from 2017.
I deleted all .sid files older than 2021 and now the 2023 map could be installed.
I don't think this is the most brilliant system...

When I looked at the files in .SID folder, Garmin Express had deleted all old .SID files.
There was couple of other files there and I left them.
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Re: Internal Memory access (Mine's nearly FULL)

Post by sussamb »

More recent devices need to be switched to mass storage mode as well to see .system

Express will generally do its thing without interference if you let it. Garmin made it difficult to delete essential files as too many folks who had no idea what they were doing ending up bricking their device. It all works well if folks don't meddle :D