So this is how I repaired it.
I removed the sd card and deleted all the content on it, then placed it back.
I installed the garmin usb drivers.
Downloaded the Garmin cure 3 and an original fw, made a cure version of it. This program runs only if u run it as administrator.
I connected the gps to the pc and turned it off by long pressing the power button.
I started the cure program and after that the updater app. I selected Usb.
I moved the cursor over rhe ok button, vecsuse you have to be very quick, literally 1second what u have
After that i hold pressing the upper left corner of the gps unit + the power button.
The gps will show up for a sec in the updater app and the windows beeps one time, here you have to click on the ok very very fast.
I had to do this holding the screen+power combo once more since it disconnected after that 1 sec.and clicked on the update again very fast.
The gps gome into preboot mode and flashed with the cure fw.
Now the pc sees the internal memory. I deleted everything in the map, voice, gpx folder.
With the cure program and the updater i flashed now the original fw back on it.
Now it can be seen normally in the express, so i registered it and did a fw update in the express again.
I doenloaded in the express the latest map update and waited an hour or 1.5 to download and install the maps.
I restarted the unit and voila, after the initial setup (language, units etc) it works fine.
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Hi @jfheath,
I haven't succeeded in fixing mine yet, but the steps you suggest should work. daniel87 has posted successful fixing of his unit and the steps he followed are the same as you suggested. He used the Garmin Cure 3 program to create the rgn file and update the firmware.
I have now got this program and can get it to communicate with my unit. It still fails though as I don't have the GUPDATE.GCD for a Zumo 395. I've tried using the GUPDATE.GCD from my old 390 and from a friends 396 but the updater program rejects these and says 'no update available for this model'.
Having given up on my 395LM for over a year, I recently renewed my attempts to get it back to life.
With the help and advice from both daniel87 and jfheath, yesterday evening I finally succeeded in re-flashing the firmware and getting it working again.
Hi All!
Found this forum while searching for help to my Zumo 395LM. My problem is exactly the same: Garmin logo -> Loading Maps -> power off -> Garmin logo and so on to the end of time.
The instructions made by "daniel87" seem very clear.
But where can I find the needed software (The Garmin Cure 3) and firmware-files?
I tried the mentioned internet time machine, but all I keep getting is "Hrm. The Wayback Machine has not archived that URL.."
What am I missing here?
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Vaan se jolla on päässä huminaa, sitä poloista häpeää kaikki.” Timo Rautiainen & Neljäs Sektori