Something strange happened this morning. When I started BC (I still run version 4.4.6) after installing the new Garmin Maps database this morrning, everything (waypoints, routes, etc.) was gone.

I checked the data directory (...\AppData\Roaming\Garmin\BaseCamp\Database) and saw that there were two sub-folder: Once called 4.6 with a creation data of when I opened BC last, and a brand new (today's date and time) filed named 4.4.
I looked into 4.6 and saw that the database apparently had some data (AllData.gdb had a decent size, and there was a .bak file), while the db in 4.4 had none (AllData.gdb only 1kb, no .bak file).
I deleted 4.4 and coped/renamed 4.6 to 4.4, restarted BC and everything works.
My questions are:
- Is the naming of those subfolders somehow related to the BC version?
- If so, why would BC go back in version (from 4.6 to 4.4)
- In any case, can someone explain what happened?
Thanks so much!