Zumo XT2 Solutions

For help and advice on the Garmin Zumo XT2.
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Re: Zumo XT2 Solutions

Post by jfheath »

Oop North John wrote: 05 Nov 2024 07:53 .... the only consistent way Tread handles changing of via points to shaping points is it is inconsistent!

The moving via to shaping to via was something that was present on the 595. It was like playing an old TV console game like pong. See how many moves it takes you to get this shaping point into the middle of that roundabout. It only ever seemed to move backwards.

And of course if the via is moved from its original location, eventually the faster route will alter.

Did you see the video I.posted of creating a route with via using the tread app ... then changing the via to shaping ? The route changed but it was different depending on which order I changed the points.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

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Re: Zumo XT2 Solutions

Post by Oop North John »

jfheath wrote: 05 Nov 2024 09:04 Did you see the video I.posted of creating a route with via using the tread app ... then changing the via to shaping ? The route changed but it was different depending on which order I changed the points.
Yes, it got me playing with Tread, and into a downward spiral of confusion. I've tried seeing if changing shaping points nearest the start or the finish improves the end result. But I can't say it does, or doesn't, as the end results seem to change. Consistent by being inconsistent :cry:

I suspect that the safest option is to send a route to Tread using only via points, and then do not mess with it and let Explore sync on the XT2. But as we've discussed, this can lead to negative impacts when using the route for real.

I find that Tread is easier to use to change via's to shaping points than on the XT2 so my plan is to do the multiple changes to get the shaping point as near as possible to where the via was, and then sync it to the XT2, and pray that it keeps the locations / routing!
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Re: Zumo XT2 Solutions

Post by jfheath »

Oop North John wrote: 05 Nov 2024 10:15 I find that Tread is easier to use to change via's to shaping points than on the XT2 so my plan is to do the multiple changes to get the shaping point as near as possible to where the via was, and then sync it to the XT2, and pray that it keeps the locations / routing!
My current options are.

Base camp ro6ute to SD card but no tread app involved. COPY ***

Basecamp route to Tread app and synched. ???

*** = Good standby. If copied version is used
??? = not proved, not disproved.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

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Re: Zumo XT2 Solutions

Post by m326 »

AI, GI or MyI. That is the question.
How nice it would be if I could sit in the warmth of my home, turn my PC on and plan my routes in comfort and with confidence that what I plan on my PC gets transferred to my SatNav and in turn, it displays the route that I planned. How cool would that be?
Thank heavens Garmin don't have a foot in the space race door :lol:
Why is BaseCamp still not compatible with the XT2? It's a good program, not the most user friendliness - but once you get to grips with the concepts, it's really good at what it does. Why aren't BaseCamp, Tread and the XT(2) all singing from the same hymn sheet? Great hardware but woefully let down by poor firmware/software.

This morning I planned a little trip in BaseCamp, route exactly displays what I planned. Saved a recalculated route and track and emailed it to my phone & Tread. Now I find the route isn't what I planned and has a loop back taking a faster route. In Route Calculations, why only shortest, fastest & straight line? What about Preserve Users Wishes? So, in Tread I fumble with my fat fingers to add another shaping point to get the route to follow what the underlying track indicates. Riding the actual route, low and behold, it wants me to deviate from the route that I chose for no reason, roadworks etc. The return journey was pretty much the same, for some reason it deviated from what I had planned - seemingly for no reason because I followed the track instead just to see. Does it really have to be this hard? People on these forums have painstakingly devoted a lot of time and effort to trying to understand what the issues are and finding ways to get around these problems but it's very unclear whether Garmin is committed to solving the issues in their firmwares/softwares and getting them to seamlessly talk to each other.
Garmin, please take note and fix this!
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Returned to biking 2 years ago after a long spell off. Pretty useless at navigating, or rather I can't remember where I'm supposed to be going. Bought TomTom 550 which reboots randomly & usually in the middle of a city centre. Just bought the XT2.. still trying to get to grips with it.
Burgman 400, BaseCamp,Tread & MyRouteApp.
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Re: Zumo XT2 Solutions

Post by Oop North John »

jfheath wrote: 05 Nov 2024 13:37 My current options are.

Base camp ro6ute to SD card but no tread app involved. COPY ***

Basecamp route to Tread app and synched. ???

*** = Good standby. If copied version is used
??? = not proved, not disproved.
I use the Basecamp to Tread, via e-mail as I know that when I open the XT2 up, it will try to sync to Tread and it seems less problematic that way. To me, currently :oops:

Garmin UK have been back to me about the shifting shaping points so given them the data, though I wonder why they asked me what the mapping was I was using in Tread :? Latest Android Tread does allow you to download off-line maps, just like Google maps does if anyone is interested.
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Re: Zumo XT2 Solutions

Post by smfollen »

I have found that route planning and navigation work well when Tread is removed from my phone entirely. I plan on my computer using Basecamp and import to the XT2 via gpx file on an sd card. It is the Tread / Explore sync that makes a mess of my routes, so I just avoid Tread entirely.
m326 wrote
People on these forums have painstakingly devoted a lot of time and effort to trying to understand what the issues are and finding ways to get around these problems but it's very unclear whether Garmin is committed to solving the issues in their firmwares/softwares and getting them to seamlessly talk to each other.
Garmin, please take note and fix this!
@m326 Unfortunately, despite multiple suggestions, Garmin says that they do not follow this, or any other forum. Please share your concerns with them via email to [email protected] and at this web page https://www.garmin.com/en-US/forms/ideas/
Garmin support has told me that issues get low priority unless they hear the same concerns from many customers.
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Re: Zumo XT2 Solutions

Post by jfheath »

FrankB wrote: 04 Nov 2024 20:45 @jfheath

Hi John,

Just an idea I had, cant test it myself, because I dont have an XT2, but maybe it's worth testing.

I had a look at this video, where they pair the Tread app with a Zumo. (I think its an XT2, but not sure)
At the end I see the same question as with Garmin Drive App and XT1. Enable Garmin Explore? Have you ever tried 'Maybe Later'?
I would hope that you can transfer a GPX wireslessly and 'enjoy weather and traffic', but Routes will not get recalculated etc.

Video Link
@FrankB - Apologies. I intended to come back to this observation later, and forgot.

The unit being demonstrated isn't an XT2, I believe it is the Garmin Tread satnav.

That option to connect to ' Explore'. (it means the Explore Database Management System) - does exist on the XT1 as we know, but not on the XT2

There is an alternative which is shown differently on the phone during the installation of the Tread App - although sometimes it seems not to show !
[edit] - The screen with 4 icons like below will only show if you have done a full system reset, or if you have deleted all user data. After that, it remembers your previous settings and does not show the 'Enable Storage' Icon.
IMG_0456.jpeg (32.64 KiB) Viewed 1222 times
'Enable Storage' does the same thing - it sets up the connection to the Explore Database system, and it will then synch between that and the XT2. Since the synching with Explore seems to be the cause of the changing route and moving route point, not selecting 'Enable Storage' does indeed stop the problem, and it allows traffic, road closures and weather to be obtained. I am currently running my XT2 like this and it seems to be behaving.

  • Edit. I just noticed. If you start from a fresh machine, and you ignore the 'Enable Storage' option, at some point later the XT2 pops up a full screen message with the orange Explore icon, suggesting that you really ought to connect to the Explore database with options - > Yes / Maybe Later.

There is a side issue - even set like that, the link seems to interfere with phone calls. A call is made and ended, but the XT2 doesn''t recognise that the call has ended so it keeps music and satnav instructions silent, and no further calls can be received or made. A problem if you are unable to press the button to answer the call, and you want to call back. It won't let you.

The system resets itself after a long delay - a few minutes - bluetooth is turned off and then reconnects. A faster way is to short press the power switch to turn the unit off, and then turn it on again.

I'm still working on this with product support. My phone only behaves like this when the Tread App is installed which suggests Tread is the issue. Another phone I have doesn't do this - which suggests the phone is the issue.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

Links: Zumo 590/5 & BC . . . Zumo XT & BC