So... in Tread is it best to plot a Start point followed by a Finish point and then shape the route as required or define a Start point and add shaping points along the roads you want to follow? Either way I'm finding that if you want to reshape a segment it does some pretty weird routing adding miles to your journey even when it's set to fastest time

Here is one such file that I just can't get to work on the XT2, I have taken out maybe half of the shaping points and can't see what's still wrong with the route. If it works in Tread surely it should work on their SatNav? Having failed at that, I thought program the SatNav directly so put in the start point and the destination and got this... another fail. Just sits there calculating stuck at 0% ... sp=sharing
I'm finding that half of the routes I make in Tread won't work on the XT2 despite going through them in minute detail, zooming in, not selecting car parks as stops etc, etc. Surely there's something I'm missing here?