BT-camera an XT2 - Only Garmin works??

For help and advice on the Garmin Zumo XT2.
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BT-camera an XT2 - Only Garmin works??

Post by Treve »

Mostly for fun it could be nice to use the camerafeature on my XT2. It could be a nice feature when one start to rev the Goldwing on a parkinglot ;) . But both BC40 and the BC50 have - according to two revues I read - slightly pore optics. Do anyone knew if other brands will work with XT2? The pairing instructions only refers to the two above both in the manual and the setting menu. Ore are the complains on Garmin optics just rubbish?

Anyway - I have used the XT2 (660 and 595 previous) fore a little more than two month and already like it very much. Mostly depending on al knowledge from this forum and a screen way better than the 595. In BC planing a 5000 km trip from Sweden next month with Dovrovnik in Croatia at most southern goal. I think XT2 will work well.
Thanks and regards
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Re: BT-camera an XT2 - Only Garmin works??

Post by bvk »

I installed BT40 on my Goldwing. I modified supplied metal bracket. In high resolution the image s brilliant B&W 720p resolution. It is very useful in backing up. Also, I set up the side lines showing the width Goldwing needs on the sides and set the bottom yellow line to be 1 m from the back of the moto so I know how far I can back.
Now if you have a full motion of your neck, you may not need this.
The image switches off after 2.5 minutes of backing, I think it stays on when stationary. If you need the camera on longer go to the icon top left on camera display and choose first item "Adjust Video" and the camera will stay on.