XT2 and MyRouteApp - Shaping & Via Points

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Re: XT2 and MyRouteApp - Shaping & Via Points

Post by Kokkie »

Okay...experimented a bit more myself.

Conclusion is that 1.2 exported via connector (cable) in MRA works like it should.
- Either a correct Route, with VIA points and correct estimates, and
- The correct Track, which I could convert in a correct Route, but I won't have the VIA points.

All the rest not working for me, that is, if I want to use the VIA points AND XT-2 not changing my intended route.

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Re: XT2 and MyRouteApp - Shaping & Via Points

Post by adm »

Kokkie wrote: 13 Aug 2024 16:19 Okay...experimented a bit more myself.

Conclusion is that 1.2 exported via connector (cable) in MRA works like it should.
- Either a correct Route, with VIA points and correct estimates, and
- The correct Track, which I could convert in a correct Route, but I won't have the VIA points.

All the rest not working for me, that is, if I want to use the VIA points AND XT-2 not changing my intended route.

Interesting. So 1.2 works via cable, but not wirelessly via Tread. I wonder why that is? Presumably because it bypasses Tread entirely, and Tread (not the XT2) is the culprit seeing shaping points in a 1.2 file as route extensions and removing them?

For me, 1.1 seems to work just fine. I get the route, with the Via points and correct distance/time estimates between them and the route follows the shaping points correctly. Maybe that is because I tend to use quite a few shaping points to force it to take the intended route and not deviate significantly. I normally put them at the beginning of key roads, and after any junctions on those roads that I don't want it to deviate down.
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Re: XT2 and MyRouteApp - Shaping & Via Points

Post by jfheath »

Whatever conclusion you @Kokkie reached in the above post quoted by @adm - cannot be the complete answer.

MRA never exports a route that contains the plot of the route AND the shaping points AND the Via points.

So if you think that MRA 1.2 is behaving properly - that is because for now, it has retained the plot of the magenta line. Wait until it recalculates - because it has not sent any shaping points to work with.

MRA v 1.2 exports the plot of the route with hundreds of ghost points, along with the Via points. It does not export any shaping points.
The idea is that the Zumo will not recalculate the route so the magenta line stays in place.

I have yet to test MRA routes, but so far all routes sent to my XT2 from anything other than Tread, get recalculated. Including routes from Basecamp - which until the XT2 came out has always produced routes which would not recalculate unless settings were different or were changed.

MRA V 1.1 exports all Via Points and all shaping points, but it does not include the ghost points ie there is no plot of which roads which MRA used for its planned route. This route always has to be calculated by the Zumo.

I have Detailed notes on MRA export versions starting here. app.php/ZXT-P72c. (shown used with the XT2)

The saving grace is that MRA exports tracks, so they can be used to mark the original route that you planned. Put everything for each day into its own collection, and make only that collection visible. You can also edit a theme so that the track always peeps out from beneath the magenta route.

All routes from any external source ( ie not built on the XT2 route planner nor on the Tread app) will sometimes display RUT behaviour if you deviate. It is more controlled than the XT behaviour but it still happens.

But you can make the XT2 think that a route has been created with Tread and it then behaves.

There are other factors regarding routing. As well as faster time etc, and adventurous routing - both of which can apply to each segment of a route (between vias) - the XT2 can be asked to follow a variety of types of roads - Michelin scenic Roads being one. Make sure that all of these are deselected otherwise those routes will overrule the routing behaviour that you have got used to with the XT.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

Links: Zumo 590/5 & BC . . . Zumo XT & BC