Few questions please

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Re: Few questions please

Post by jfheath »

cr0100 wrote: 31 May 2023 13:37 The past few years when I've taken long trips (5-7 days), I've had saved logs of the full ride from start to finish.

Pulling the tracks into basecamp, it was a relatively simple process to combine the multiple tracks from each day into a single track per day. It's kind of fun to display them all on the map to see my entire route! If I did it right, there's an example attached to this message...
Yes - you just select all of the track segments and ask it to join them together - it works out the order from the date/time in the files.

I've kept my logs since my first satanv in 2007. I really recommend it. Take a regular backup of your Basecamp Database - or make a separate database just for your organised track logs. Its easy to switch between them.

They are excellent historical records - things that you forget about, where you stopped for the night or for cafes etc - and useful for dating photos. Also when snippets of past routes come back as fond memories and you wonder where you were. If that hasn't happened yet, it probably will at some time in the future !

Have you discovered the graphs on Basecamp showing elevation and/or speed of your tracks ?
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

Links: Zumo 590/5 & BC . . . Zumo XT & BC
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Re: Few questions please

Post by cr0100 »

Yes, I have - it's pretty slick!
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Re: Few questions please

Post by lkraus »

headstill wrote: 31 May 2023 14:33 Thanks, had I known it was to go to the "this is everything XT" I would have let you know I have done my best to comb through it. Frankly, t reminds me of memorizing an encyclopedia, which is like drinking out of a firehose, and my concentration wanes after a few gallons. I did look though it as best possible to get my answers, and some were answered that I did not ask.

I appreciate all the help for those who took the time. I believe I am ready to roll, if not I will figure it out.
There is a lot to absorb. :roll:

The more you use your XT, the more it makes sense. Especially some of the finer distinctions in terms. I recommend using the XT locally, just for the practice. Plan some routes to the grocery, or to work. Add in a gas stop. Force the route to use particular roads, then see what happens if you don't follow the route. Figure out out to get back on route. It's much better to learn what to expect while you are on familiar roads than to be surprised a few hundred miles from home. I've cut more than a few rides short because I could not get the stupid GPS to do what I wanted.
2006 R1200RT
Galaxy S10<>Zumo XT<>Sena 20S