Zumo XT SD card use

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Re: Zumo XT SD card use

Post by Rofor »

@fergannap133 - In addition to what @Peobody has told you, i would say that it's much easier to connect the Zumo XT directly to the Laptop on which you are using Basecamp!

When the Zumo XT is also connected, you'll see the Zumo XT on the left side below your lists in Basecamp and you can drag the chosen route and track directly to either the 'Internal Memory' or the 'Memory Card' of the Zumo XT! Basecamp will take care to put it in the right folders - if you don't have them on the sdcard, it will create it!

The saved .gpx file on the card will have the name of (number).gpx - but if you name the route and/or the track just as you like, you'll see this name on the Zumo XT when you import it. For example if you name the route and the track 'Holiday Day 1', there will be a file with '0.gpx' on the sdcard - but when you choose 'Import' in the Trip Manager, you'll see 'Holiday Day 1' - same, when you import a track!
However, I cannot seem to see any indication there is an SD card inserted into the Zumo, let alone getting the unit to read what is on it. Am I misunderstanding how the SD card works in the Zumo?
Sadly there is no 'sign' directly on the Zumo XT that shows, if a sdcard is present/recognized or not - best proof is to connect the Zumo XT to Basecamp: If you see 'Internal Memory' and 'memory Card' on the left side in the list, than all is ok...
Bye, Robert :)
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Re: Zumo XT SD card use

Post by fergannap133 »

Further thanks... I have not had a chance yet to get back to this. However, I noticed you are referencing routes developed in Basecamp. I am using Rever to create the routes that I ultimately put on the Zumo. I just wonder if there is a formatting difference between Basecamp and Rever that is creating my issue.

Perhaps I'll try to create a route in Basecamp and see if that works as described.

Fortunately, I do not leave until Mid May... so I can keep working on this.

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Re: Zumo XT SD card use

Post by Peobody »

It could be that something unique in a Rever .gpx file makes it incompatible. Try opening one in BaseCamp. If that works then try transferring it to the SD card via a BaseCamp export.
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Re: Zumo XT SD card use

Post by jfheath »

I do not know Rever, but below is a link that might help you to understand what the XT uses in order to operate.

But before that - a brief summary.

The XT can use Routes, Tracks and 'Track-Trips' - tracks that have been converted to trips with turn by turn directions.

It is built to include off-road adventure riding, so a navigable instruction like turn left at the tall clump of grass isn't a great deal of use. There are 90 degrees that you can face to turn left. 180 if you like hairpins.

In order to navigate on-road it uses route points. You can prepare these in advance and save them, and these are referred to by Garmin as 'Waypoints' - which is confusing because many later arrivals to the satnav scene use the term 'waypoint' to mean any point on a route. For Garmin it is something different - and special. Some software referes to these as Points of Interest - but again for Garmin, POIs are a bit more refined than that.

It also uses Via Points and Shaping Points. These too have a specific purpose.

If it has other types of points, then there is a fair chance that the Zumo will use all Via Points, or all Shaping Points, or ignore them altogether. I have seen all three behaviours.

Tracks are pretty consistent across all devices, they can be loaded in and shown on the Zumos maps like a pencil line drawn on a paper map. It doesn't do anything, it doesn't navigate, but you can see the line, you can see your position and you can see the map. Which is two things more than you get if trying to navigate on the hills with an unmarked paper map in complete blackout or a complete whiteout.

Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

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Re: Zumo XT SD card use

Post by fergannap133 »

Hello everyone,
The key to transfer directly from Rever to the Zumo SD card is to first import it to Basecamp. Then you can send it to the SD card which appears as an option in Basecamp. This assumes you are connected to the Zumo with the USB cable. Honestly, fiddling with the tiny SD card was too difficult... attaching it to the laptop and then removing it from the laptop and putting it in the Zumo. I discovered my preference to just wait a minute after attaching the cable for everything to synch.

Once I detached the Zumo from the laptop, I went into Tracks and imported what I wanted. Then converted it to a Trip.

I can't thank you all enough for your encouragement and suggestions. Hopefully, my learning experience may help someone else, too.
Best regards, as always.
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Re: Zumo XT SD card use

Post by Rofor »


Hmmm - i will never understand this afford!? :shock: This is easier then planning already in Basecamp - really?
Bye, Robert :)
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Re: Zumo XT SD card use

Post by Peobody »

If it is the pre-planned routes in Rever that are attractive, I think I would duplicate them in BaseCamp and look to enhance them with waypoints, including looking to add some that fit my preferences.
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Re: Zumo XT SD card use

Post by jfheath »

I am not understanding the problem - can you post a gpx file of a route from Rever please ?

But Basecamp is an excellent tool for cleaning up rogue GPX files. All GPX 'readers' are supposed to ignore any tags that they do not recognise - it is part of the GPX extended format - but very few do it quite like Basecamp does. Put a gpx in, and it strips out all of the nonsence tags and info, and tidies up the stuff that it does recognise. I've used it a few times for that when other programs cannot read the gpx file.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

Links: Zumo 590/5 & BC . . . Zumo XT & BC . . . Navigating with Zumo Booklet