Focus XT - Reported Faults and Status

Having Garmin zumo XT problems? there is loads of help and advice in this forum
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Focus XT - Reported Faults and Status

Post by jfheath »

This is a personal log of issues that I have raised with Garmin Support.

I am not in the habit of contact Garmin with a problem that I haven't investigated as far as possible. My reports always contain examples of the fault that I am describing, often have screen shots from the Zumo and where appropriate contain the necessary gpx files of routes, tracks and active track logs.

At present it is not open for additional comments. My intention is to provide information only. PM me if you wish to find out more about particular issues. I don't have answers, but I have carried out a lot of testing before I reported to the help desk.

14 May 2020 - Software 2.50
#1. Zumo Trip Planner App. Route Point is relocated and changes name when changed from Via to Shaping. Replicated
#2. When Bike is located 600 yards from plotted route, Closest Entry Point is found 80 miles away. Fixed
#3. Skip recalculates the entire route. Behaves as intended
10 Aug 2020 - Software 2.90 - 16452047K0
#1 - Update requested.
#2 - v2.60 and v2.70 seemed to fix Closest Entry, but in v2.90 it is broken again - aims for next Via Point. Fixed
#3 - Update requested.
12 March 2021 - Software 5.90 - 18898421K0
#1 - Garmin Express provides no option to install maps to computer. Fixed
#2 - Names of route points in Basecamp are replaced with names given by Zumo - unless Stored Waypoints are used. Unknown *****
#3 - temp.gpx is overwritten for each new USB connection - deleting previously transferred routes. Suspect Intended
#4 - Saved Waypoints / Favourites cannot be found on SD card, if there are none saved in Internal Storage. Unknown *****
26 April 2021 - Software v6.10 - 19196247K0
#1 - Issues with VERY choppy playback when music played from Spotify on phone. Dead. Not fixed.

17 September 2021 - Software v 6.20 - 20267394K0
#1 - Routing does not attempt to find faster route or shorter route. Detailed examples. Unknown
28 September 2021 - Software v6.20 - 20349191K1
Prob #2 - See 03/21 #3 - temp.gpx overwritten if transferring from BC after making a new USB connection. Replicated Suspect Intended
Prob #3 - See 03/21 #2 - XT changes route point names allocated in BC. Unless Saved Waypoints are used. Replicated *****
Prob #4 - Closest Entry Point fails - eg if U turns are enabled. Fixed
Prob #5 - Waypoints transferred to SD card cannot be found if no favourites exist in Internal Storage. Replicated *****
Prob #6 - Via Points are renamed and moved if changed to shaping points using the XT Trip Planner App. (See 03/21) Replicated
11 January 2022 - Software v6.30 - 21033262K0
#1 - Stubborn routing back to point of deviation when straying from plotted route. Mentioned that route navigation seems to change after a recalculation - they were more like when XT navigates a track converted to a trip, rather than a route. Unknown

21 September 2022 - Software v6.50 - 22150658K1
#1 - Active Track Log is fragmented into tiny sections when XT repeatedly requests U-turns. Currently Active dialogue / testing *****
#2 - Repeated U Turn Behaviour - This was escalated - Same reference number but additional Q code Q#:1004453. The broken track log was seen as part of the problem that caused it t arise - the repeated U turn behaviour after deviating from the route. Once the other causes of broken track log were eliminated (new XT), the focus moved to the Repeated U turn behaviour. *****
#3 - April 2023 - Discovered the precise circumstances to make the RUT behaviour happen every time. Also discovered that the U turns were simply heading for the route immediately behind. Disable U turns, the symptoms change and reveal the nature.
Also proved that XT built routes and simply selecting a final destination NEVER produce RUT behaviour. *****
#4 May 2023 - Problem and solution escalated to USA team.
2 February 2024 - Software v6.60 (installed 13 October 2023) - 22150658K1

Little progress with Garmin I'm afraid. Summary of replies to request for updates from Garmin since May 2023
4 July 2023 Rest assured we have not forgotten about this, and US is still working on testing this but it's going to take some time I'm afraid. I will however reach out as and when I get updates of course.
25 Aug 2023 I promise I have not forgotten to reply or am ignoring you by any means! We're still looking into this, but I'm working closely with the US on this - I'm going to be out all of next week due to holiday but will be back the week after and I'll reach out to you then, I am hoping to have a reference I can give you by then that you can share with the forum members and a few other things.
11 October 2023 I am so sorry for the delay here! We are currently very understaffed so I am barely able to keep up with any workload at the moment so responses will be slow in general, I am hoping this will slow down later this year further as well - I had hoped to have an update for you now, but unfortunately I do not. That's not to say anything's been forgotten or isn't getting looked into, but like I said this is going to take some time to get worked and discussed between the different departments that need to get involved. I will of course keep you up to date as and when I get updates!
13 Oct 2023 v6.60 of the software was installed and tested and the same issue still persists.
13 Oct 2023 In response to providing newly discovered information from a different member of the team: Filippa is currently on annual leave but I will make sure I pass this on to her so she can contact you on her return. Thank you for your patience.
14 November 2024 Query regarding progress sent. No reply.
18 January 2024 Query regarding progress sent. No reply.


Replicated = Garmin has acknowledged and verified the isssue, but the issue remains.
Unknown = Fault has been received by Garmin and forwarded. I don't know what is happening.
Fixed = The reported fault does not exist on present software
***** = A usable work around solution has been identified by ZumUserForum members: FrankB, jfheath, danham
Intended = The reported item is not a fault - the unit is designed to behave in this way.
Dead. Not fixed. = Garmin cannot look into this any further. Too many external possibilities.

At the time of writing this summary, the software is version 6.50 - now v6.60 from 13 Oct 2023
I have maintained a record of software update screenshots here.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

Links: Zumo 590/5 & BC . . . Zumo XT & BC . . . Navigating with Zumo Booklet
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Location: West Yorkshire, Uk
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Great Britain

Re: Focus XT - Reported Faults and Status

Post by jfheath »

Log Updated 2nd February 2024
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

Links: Zumo 590/5 & BC . . . Zumo XT & BC . . . Navigating with Zumo Booklet