Duplicate maps on 396

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Duplicate maps on 396

Post by collings.bob »

I have 2 copies of the map City Navigator Europe NTU 2022.2 on my Garmin 396.

I also have 2 different versions of the City Navigator North America on the GPS - 2022.25 and 2023.1

How do I delete the extra versions?
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Re: Duplicate maps on 396

Post by sussamb »

How do you have 2 different CN maps, EU and NA? Your older NA map should have been deleted by Express when the newer one was added, but that won't happen if Express didn't install it in the first place, or you moved or renamed it after it was installed.

We really need more info to answer your question.
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Re: Duplicate maps on 396

Post by CollingsBob »

sussamb wrote: 25 Apr 2022 16:26 How do you have 2 different CN maps, EU and NA? Your older NA map should have been deleted by Express when the newer one was added, but that won't happen if Express didn't install it in the first place, or you moved or renamed it after it was installed.

We really need more info to answer your question.
My Garmin came with the NA map which has been updated a few times in the last 3yrs of ownership. I installed the EU map about 2 yrs ago when I first planned to ride the NC500 - postponed courtesy of Covid.
I have only ever used Garmin Express to install maps and I have never moved or renamed a map - I’m too afraid of bricking the unit, or losing the EU map.
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Re: Duplicate maps on 396

Post by sussamb »

That's strange then. If you wish to resolve this try simply changing the .img ending to something else and then look in Settings, Map & Vehicles, myMap to see which map has disappeared. That will allow you to see which file is which map and you can then delete the ones you no longer want.
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Re: Duplicate maps on 396

Post by CollingsBob »

Well…I renamed 2 of the 4 files, everything looked ok, so I deleted them. Then, when I rebooted everything the Europe map wouldnt load properly so I deleted everything and went to Garmin Express to re-download the Europe map, which immediately crashed and would not install.
I called Garmin support who walked me through a process to allow me to re-download the Europe map..and when it was all done I looked in Basecamp to find - 2 copies of the Europe map.

By the way, of you buy & download a map from another country, it’s only good for 2 years, though I note that this was not an issue for me.
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Re: Duplicate maps on 396

Post by sussamb »

In BaseCamp you will see 2 copies of the map if your Zumo is connected?

Your last sentence confuses me. If you've bought a map it doesn't expire and will always be there to use.
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Re: Duplicate maps on 396

Post by CollingsBob »

sussamb wrote: 26 Apr 2022 18:21 In BaseCamp you will see 2 copies of the map if your Zumo is connected?

Your last sentence confuses me. If you've bought a map it doesn't expire and will always be there to use.
Yes..I see 2 copies of the Europe map with the GPS connected. I’m only passing on what the nice help desk person told me about the Europe maps. I also note that they are never updated.
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Re: Duplicate maps on 396

Post by sussamb »

Correct that purchased maps of other areas aren't updated but the good news is they don't stop working at the 2 year point so not sure why that may have been implied.

What you see in BaseCamp then is normal. One is the map installed on your PC, the other is the map on your Zumo.
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Re: Duplicate maps on 396

Post by jfheath »

Some of this is duplicating what @sussamb has said and what you have already discovered. But there is no harm in completing the picture for anyone else looking in. This info is drawn from my XT - I suspect that the 396 will be very similar.

On the XT the maps are located in the Internal Storage/.System/Map
You need to enable the System files to be visible on the Zumo.
The filenames are grouped - It helps to sort them into name order.

There may be 2 or 3 files that have the same name with different extensions (.img , .gma, .unl)
.img is the actual map, .gma and .unl are to do with unlocking the maps.
My Lifetime maps do not have a .unl file.

Maplist.jpg (23.68 KiB) Viewed 2416 times

For the XT, the Europe maps are split into two:

CN Europe NTU 2022.20 All North
CN Europe NTU 2022.NTU All South

MapList XT.png
MapList XT.png (40.69 KiB) Viewed 2416 times

In Basecamp, when the Zumo is connected, the drop down list for the map selection will show the the maps that are on the computer together with the maps that are stored on the Zumo. You can select which maps you wish to use from the drop down list.

Maplist BC.jpg
Maplist BC.jpg (32.56 KiB) Viewed 2416 times

Unhelpfully, there are three Europe NTU 2022.2 Maps listed - all with the same name. It is impossible to tell which one is which- but one of them will be the map that is on the computer. Two of them will be for the north and south maps for Europe on the Zumo. You have to guess.

If the Zumo isn't connected, I see a very much shorter list with only one Europe NTU 2022.2 map listed.

If you select one of maps that is not on the computer, you will get a warning indicating that you have selected the map on the Zumo, and that you already have the same map installed on the computer. In my case, the bottom one of the three with the same name is the one on the computer.

Map Duplicate.jpg
Map Duplicate.jpg (17.49 KiB) Viewed 2416 times

When the Zumo is connected, you can tell which filename in the Internal Storage/.System/Map folder is associated with which map buy using the Internal Storage information in the left hand Pane in Basecamp. The Europe maps are shown as a pair, and no indication of which map is north and which is south is given. But they come as a pair. But both files are larger than 2GB and I guess that the internal storage is not able to handle files larger than 4GB.

Map Pane.jpg
Map Pane.jpg (44.5 KiB) Viewed 2416 times

Apologies for over doing this - I think I'll put it into the notes on the XT for future reference.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

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Re: Duplicate maps on 396

Post by sussamb »

Nice summary. Just to add the EU map is split as Garmin devices are formatted FAT32, and FAT32 cannot deal with files larger than 4Gb.