Oh, goody - I've just come in from stage one of the bike service. (I have to do it in small steps these days). I wondered what I was going to do next

Yes. The data i stored between metatags in the gpx file that will be transferred.Gidi Ferder wrote: ↑22 Jan 2022 22:00 1. I know that and I saw it can be done. What I’m asking is if copying old favorites that were saved on older maps before the maps were updated, will not corrupt the location. Can I rely on them?
A short example:
<wpt lat="54.3044114112854" lon="-2.199411392211914">
<name>Crown Hotel</name>
<cmt>Crown Hotel</cmt>
<desc>Crown Hotel</desc>
<sym>Flag, Blue</sym>
In between the <wpt > and the </wpt> there can be many other metatags included as part of the waypoint.
So not only is the name and location transferred but all of the other saved information that can be included with a waypoint - like address, post code, elevation, phone number.
To answer your question - it has absolutely nothing to do with the map - other than the fact that latitude and longitude are understood by all maps.
I transfer my routes, tracks and waypoints to completely different mapping software on ewhich I have the very detailed Ordnance Survey maps of the UK to a scale of 1:25,000. They all transfer precsisely. I also use maps from other countries.
Now - if the maps weren't drawn properly in the first place ...... that is different.
I don't know the answer to that - 'cos I don't have a 660 any more. But I know why I made the comment:Gidi Ferder wrote: ↑22 Jan 2022 22:00 2. If this answers the above question, please explain what type of settings changes should be made?
There is a difference in devices in the way that they make their USB connection.
The two different methods in question are Mass Storage Mode and Media Transfer Protocol.
Mass Storage mode is how you see your disk drives in a file explorer on your computer - with a drive letter. You can read from thema nd write to them apparently simultaneously. And if it is a plug in device using a USB cable, you MUST remember to close the connection at the computer before you unplug it - otherwise stuff that you think you have saved, may still be held by the computer in a memory cache, and never transferred to the plugged in device.
Media Transfer Protcol is different. It does away with the need to formally 'eject' the device at the computer before it is unplugged. It doesn't have a drive letter - it appears as a named device. Liek 'Zumo'. Everything gets writeen straight away. The down side is that you cannot edit a file on the device. You can read it into a program on the computer, alter it and then save it back. But you cannot edit it in place on the attached device.
I may be wrong about this - its been a long time since I had a 660 in my hands - but I believe that by default when it is plugged in to the computer, the 660 appears as one or two drive letters - depending on whether or not it has an SD card. The XT always appears as Zumo XT - never with drive letters. Basecamp will still read my 590 when it is set to Mass Transfer rather than Media Transfer Protocol.
The point that I was making is that there may be hiccup in the process. There may not. But if it crops up it is easlily solvable.
Yes. - You go it.Gidi Ferder wrote: ↑22 Jan 2022 22:00 3. So waypoints are those locations that I’m saving and integrate them in the routes.
But waypoints can be saved for future use too. You don't have to put them into a route. Suppose you are planning a touring trip with some days off. You research some possibilities, create Waypoints for all of the possible venues to visit, and transfer them to you Zumo. These points don't appear in any routes yet. But on one of your days off, you decide to go and visit one of them.
Where To ? -> Favourites -> Choose the location from the list that you saved.
No.Gidi Ferder wrote: ↑22 Jan 2022 22:00 Via points are the points I’m marking with mouse while planing? Correct?
Or at least, not necessarily.
I don't know what they are. Not becasue I don't know, but becasue I cannot see what you are doing. So best to just call them route points for now.
When you drop a route point onto the map with a mouse click, it may just happen to land on a known location. Even if you cannot see it.
If it does, it is likely to have been placed as a Via Point. If it is in the middle of nowhere it is likelyt o become a shaping points.
I wouldn't worry about what type of point it is until later. The only way that you can tell and change the type of point is in the route properties dialogue box (double click the route or the route name) If the route point is in black, it is a Via. If it is ingrey with the words (won't alert) in brackets after it, it is a shaping point. The points that you created as Waypoints and used int he route will aslo display in here, but you cannot tell from this list whether or not they are Waypoints.
In the BAsecamp windows, there is a pnae, bottom left, in which the route name will appear. If a route point appears in the same pane, with the route, then it was created as a Waypoint. It is the only way that you can tell !! - Except in the route properties box where you set alert and don't alert - there is a PLUS button at the side. If you click on that it allows you to add a new route point from those that you have created. It lists only the Waypoints. That is actually the only way that I know of to get one of your own saved Waypoints into a route after it has been created.
If you have some Waypoints saved, you may decide to create a route using some of them.
You may then add some additional points using the insert tool.
At this point, whether a point was saved as a Waypoint or simple dropped onto the map with a mouse click is irrelevant. ALL of thse points now are treated as either Shaping Points or Via Points.
Shaping Points do not alert you as you approach or arrive. Via Points do.
Any route point including one that was created as a Waypoint, can be made into a Shaping Point
Any route point (including those created as a Waypoint) can be made into a Via Point (Waypoints default to being Via Points, but can be changed).
Ok - so there is another big difference between Via and Shaping Points.Gidi Ferder wrote: ↑22 Jan 2022 22:00 Regarding announcements I have those turned off so I can’t tell what and when my 660 anounnces.
On the 590 and later (devices with the trip planner app), when you start a route you are asked to select your next destination. Garmin seem to use the word 'Destination' to mean 'Via Point'. It then lists all of the Via Points in the route.
Put this into context. On the 660 you may have had a route which had a start point some miles away. It would ask if you want to navigate to the start. Say yes, and it takes you there, and when you get to that point, it says you have arrived and stops the navigation. Which was a real pain. In fact if you said no to that question, and made your own way to the start, as soon as you got there it would start navigating the route without having to do anything.
The XT (and 590, 595, 39x) creates routes like the 660 - which are separated by Via Points. The orange flags. In between the Via points are a number of shaping points, and they behave exactly like a complete route in the 660. When you approach the next Via Point, it alerts you - like the 660 alerts when you are approaching the end of a route. But the XT then continues automatically to the next section.
When you start a route and it asks to select you next destination - it is asking at which Via Point do you want to start the route. It will take you there in its own way - just like the 660 - but then it will continue with the rest of the route as you planned it.
Just like the end point on the 660 - you have to visit it before it finishes the route. The XT you have to visit the Via Point before it will start the next section.
The shaping points in between - just like the 660 intermediate points - you can miss them out. It will try to get you to visit them, but the moment you joint he magenta route, it carries on navigating you forward as if nothing had happened.
You can tell if the Zumos are saying anyhting - the direction on the map shows up as a wide white arrow on top of the magenta route, and the text of what is being spoken is reproduced across the top of the screen.
I don't remember using 3D maps on the 660. I may have, but I've had the 590, 595 and XT since then. But not all maps are updated at the same time, so you may get different version numbers for different maps.Gidi Ferder wrote: ↑22 Jan 2022 22:00 And a new one:
I just opened the map info on my 660 and for some reason I have three map files with check boxes:
1. CN Europe NT 2021.10
(1) ALL
2. CN Europe NT 2021.10 BASIC 3D
3. CN Europe NT 2022.10
(1) Tirane, shqiperia, andora Graz
I remember that during the last update there was not enough memory space for the full map if Europe. Was I suppose to delete the 2021 map? And the basic 3D. Shouldn’t it be updated as well?
I remember running into memory problems and maps with the 660. If we were going abroad, I would delete all of the maps and using MapInstall (Express didn't exist at the time), I would install just the areas of the maps that I needed for the trip - having deleted all of the others. Deleting isn't just a case of unticking them, you have to find the appropriate file on the Internal Stoarage. Basecamp can help with this - it will show the maps that are installed and if you click on the map on the Zumo - in the left hand pane. It gives all of the map details in the pane underneath.
I don't know if Mapsource does this as well.
There are usually three files associated with each map. All have the same name but fifferent extenions.
So there might be (say)
D6210190A.unl (unlock file)