I was contemplating buying the BMW Navigator 6 for the RT but ££££££££££££££
Like 700 of them

I have a Garmin zumo XT thats less than a year old so I couldn't justify changing
So the search started to find a solution to mount the XT in the same position as the BMW one (which is really a Garmin)
I found a couple of videos showing people modifying mounts and adding extenders on the bolts to mount the Zumo XT but then you need a tool to release the Zumo XT and then you had to get power to it
I also found the 3dam adapter that clips in to the BMW mount then you can attach then Zumo XT mount to that thus using the OE release button but then you still need to get power to it!
Then I came across this solution below! It allows the Zumo mount to be bolted to it then attaches to the BMW mount and also takes the power from the BMW mount and feeds the Zumo
Posted from Italy in just over a week and it works a treat
Yes I don't have control over it like I would with a BMW navigator but to be honest I don't need that anyway
You can buy the 3dam adapter from here https://www.adapter3dmotorrad.it/