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Explore and routes

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 3:11 pm
by auke54
The following was reported to GarminSupport(NL)

Unexpected result with Routes from Explore.
When a route, designed in Basecamp, shared through Explore to the XT is activated with the 'Go' button I get 3 choices.
When chosen for 'Start' or 'End' all is well(I get a quickest route to the points and it's all-right after that)
When 'closest...' (or is it 'nearest', I have the Nl-locale): I get an unexpected result.
At first it calculates the shortest route to the given place of the route. That's ok but then..... From the point it has taken me to, which is the nearest point on the route, it directs me in a straight line to the next Waypoint, after that it takes me to the following Waypoint. Somewhere between those two Waypoints it gets me on the route again. I do not feel any logic here.
When the route shared by cable to trip planner the result is as expected and in my humble view 'ok'.
Possible solution: Import incoming Routes from Explore to Tripplanner.

Oh, and Yes: XT SystemSoftware: 6.20
