navigate to town centre on Zumo 660

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navigate to town centre on Zumo 660

Post by sxt1 »

Hi All,
I have a question, I hope someone can help with. I have a Zumo 660, with Aus&NZ NT 2021.30. Firmware is 5.10.

When I put a town in to navigate to - it asks for number and street, no "Town Centre" option is available. You are forced to nominate a street, which is not always possible.

Is there a work around? Is it maps or firmware which gives the option? Should I use POI to navigate to centre of a town?

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Re: navigate to town centre on Zumo 660

Post by sussamb »

You should have a Where to, Cities or Towns option. It's either separate or can be listed at the end of POIs so Where to, POIs and scroll down. Don't have your model to check.

If not just leave street etc blank
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Re: navigate to town centre on Zumo 660

Post by sxt1 »

Thanks, I see what you mean, and choosing town (on a second screen) rather than choosing address works.

When I did choose address and leave the number and street blank it will not accept that condition and brings up a list of streets to choose from forcing a selection.

Choosing town works for me, I will now try and change the order so its on the first screen accessed.
