Loss of memory

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Loss of memory

Post by Pockets »

Hi, Here we go yet again, wonder if anyone can shed some light on my newest problem, in my infinite wisdom I decided to plot a couple of routes ready for the day lock down ends and we can all go out to play once again. But I’ve come up against a small problem, my satnav tells me it cannot work out a route because it doesn’t have enough memory. I tried to create a route up to the highlands of scotland (single destination) but after several minutes it managed to get up to about 65/70% and then came up with “unable to complete not enough memory “ so how do I give it more memory? Can I give it more memory?. I connected it to my PC and apparently it has more than 50% spare, so not sure what’s on on. I tried to let it have more scope so I took all the route restrictions off and selected least detail for the map but still it was unable to complete the route north.
So next I tried to creat directions to Dublin (Ireland) but no, again not enough memory but it could work a route to Holyhead, (doesn’t like ferries) so over to you.
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Re: Loss of memory

Post by sussamb »

It's not storage memory it's referring to. It will be because the route is too long or has too many points or both. Try splitting the route in two.
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Re: Loss of memory

Post by Pockets »

OK Sussamb thanks for the reply, I’ve never know a satnav not being able to work a route because it’s to far, I’ve not tried your suggestion yet but I’ll give it a go later. Would the outcome be the same if I did it on base camp and then transferred it to my devise? Would it work if I created several way points along the way, that’s properly what you mean about splitting it into several parts. Little bit annoying though it not being able to cope with a long distance route.
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Re: Loss of memory

Post by sussamb »

It rarely happens, so not surprised you haven't seen it before. BaseCamp won't in itself help but if you use it to strip out enough points then that may, but probably easier just to split the route, and by that I mean two separate routes.