I managed to get my tracks sorted in collections and went out on the trails
the tracks worked as they should, I carefully recorded all 3 days and manually disconnected my iPhone daily so the XT did not drain the battery with all the silly features, updates and what not, despite that XT managed to prompt that there where updates available, don’t know how it manage to do that
the last day, when we rode in to the hotel compound, XT connected to the hotel wifi and updated, just like that, a small update, when I discovered it was to late to stop
every day on the trail XT rebooted at least 5-6 times, every time I wanted to se tracks, in Explorer or in the Tracks app, all tracks except a few was spinning in the icons, and when I tried to do anything on any track it rebooted
I have been crossing borders and when I got to Sweden and clicked Home the Home was blank
tonight I wanted to transfer my recorded tracks from the trip, 3 files, named and put in collections, ready to transfer
The way to synchronise as I understand, is to use Explorer, via Garmin Drive app on iPhone, it needs both wifi and BT
I tried this several times with no luck, I tried to transfer the files one by one via Garmin Drive (as was the procedure last month) but still spinning and doing nothing, reboot several times, also the Iphone, reinstall the app nothing helps, and then suddenly everything is gone, empty, gone, only things left is the original files as in the browser version of Explorer, so it deleted EVERTTHING on the XT and kept the files on the browser version
This is totally incomprehensible for me, how the f… can they make such a complicated, illogical and vulnerable workflow, this is consumer gear not to fly in outer space, I might have misunderstood something, but that it ends up deleting userdata on the unit without any warning is completely unacceptable, stupid and unserious
The XT unit or the software is unstable, it hangs in the sync proces, deleted my tracks, its so disappointing after my 590, I paid for the good stuff, purchased a lockable bracket, and now Garmin wants to make things unnecessary complicate and the product useless