Incident detected

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Re: Incident detected

Post by Stu »

I found that on the Garmin website

Bit of poor performance for Garmin with regards to not getting back to you! when I contacted them I always got a reply within a couple of days even if it was as if they where reading off a script
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Re: Incident detected

Post by tojjer »

I'm phoning them tomorrow ( that's if they're not too busy training staff again to answer! )
It actually says now that incident detection is disabled, it didn't say anything before. I'll give it a go tomorrow and report back

Cheers Stu
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Re: Incident detected

Post by tojjer »

Right, went out in the car this morning, and used the sat nav to direct me to town. Never detected an incident once. Brilliant, I thought.
Obviously I needed to set up an emergency contact, and then delete it to stop those annoying messages.
Went out on the bike just now, and I hadn't gone 50 yards before it was telling me it had detected an incident. GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

I can only think that the sensors on the unit are way too sensitive and are picking up every bump in the road.

I phoned Garmin and actually got an answer today, albeit after 12 minutes of waiting.
The very pleasant lady went through things I had already done such as setting up an emergency contact, then deleting it, a soft reset by holding the power button for 12 seconds, and using the restore function.
Tried all that but nothing changed, so did a full factory reset by where you hold down the screen in the bottom right hand corner whilst powering up the unit. This erases all data and puts it back to day 1.

Just about to go try it again now.................
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Re: Incident detected

Post by tojjer »

Ok, so I did a full master factory reset. Went out on the bike and it didn't do it once. I tapped it on the desk gently and it came up with that message, so I can only assume its working correctly now.
It seems that the last software update might have been corrupted somehow. I've done an update since resetting it and it seems fine now.
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Re: Incident detected

Post by Fitz »

Good result, how much of a drag was it to set things up again after the full reset?
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Re: Incident detected

Post by tojjer »

Fitz wrote: 16 Aug 2018 11:58 Good result, how much of a drag was it to set things up again after the full reset?
I think all I had to do was connect to Wifi, put in my email address and my choices for routing. 5 mins if that
Used it again today, perfect
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Re: Incident detected

Post by zenwave »

Hi everyone, first post on this board, coming from across the pond (New York).

Just got the 396 LMT-S a couple of weeks ago, and really love it... with the exception of this "Incident Detected" nonsense that plagues every ride!

I called Garmin support here in the US, and they confirmed that it currently can not be disabled! I informed the fellow that constant (on mine it never stops detecting 'incidents') pop-ups on the device could be a dangerous distraction to the rider. He agreed and put in two separate engineering requests: 1. To make it so that incident detection can be disabled, and 2. To adjust the sensitivity of incident detection.

May I suggest that any of you who have not yet contacted Garmin about this, do so post-haste, as the more complaints/requests for change they get, the sooner they may get this into a software update... their UK number is 0808 238 0000 (found here: ).

On a personal note, I'm in my mid-fifties, currently ride a Victory Vegas 8Ball, just finished a fun summer ride here in the states, which included a flight to London for a two week stay (never saw more scooters in my life).

Looking forward to learning more about the Zumo from the shared knowledge here... Cheers!
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Re: Incident detected

Post by tojjer »

As mentioned above, I was getting this every 100 yards or so. I contacted Garmin UK and they advised doing a full factory reset, and it hasn't done it since.
I didn't realise, but in the very bottom right hand corner of the screen, if you press and hold there whilst turning the unit on, it asks if you wish to do the full factory reset. Did that and cured it. It will wipe everything obviously.
Garmin UK reckoned it was possibly down to the last update not installing properly. Worth a go buddy, it don't take long and it's updated fine ever since with no going back to those poxy incident messages.
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Re: Incident detected

Post by zenwave »

So I tried the factory reset, and it worked.... for a few miles.

Did a 400 mile overnight trip in the Catskill Mountains of NY this weekend, and after about 60 miles, it was back to non-stop annoying pop-ups.

Sure hope they fix this with a software update soon.
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Re: Incident detected

Post by RiderJenny »

Hi guys, Jenny here from Rider Magazine in the U.S. I've got a 396 LMT-S that I'm reviewing for the magazine and it has started doing this Incident Detected thing as well. I headed out on a 5,000-mile endurance 1 it was fine, day 2 it was 3, it suddenly started throwing up those alerts.

Just wanted you to know that I've reached out to Garmin with my rather large stick. Hopefully they address it sooner rather than later. Seems a simple software update might solve it....