If you have Explore enabled, then you can add your waypoints to a collection.
You can also add your route and tracks to the same collection
If you then go to Settings ->Map & Vehicle ->Map Layers.
You can Make your collection visible on the map
You can turn off Up Ahead Places - which prevents the big hearts and flag favourites from showing up.
Routes from explore are a series of points, which the Zumo then converts into a route. Your waypoints, although they show up on the map in the same place are not an integral part of the route.
I have yet to navigate a route created in this way so I don't know if the waypoints announce as you approach, (like POIs can be made to do).
The hearts and other green symbols seem to suffer an issue - only the most recently transferred icons show up on the screen. Waypoints that were transferred previously seem to disappear.
If you don't want Explore set up, then instructions on how to get rid of it are at the bottom of this page.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !
Zumo 590/5 & BC . . .
Zumo XT & BC . . .
Navigating with Zumo Booklet