Mapsource & Zumo595?

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Re: Mapsource & Zumo595?

Post by sussamb »

665 doesn't have a MTP mode, it was only introduced on later models, so it will be in mass storage mode. If you have an issue with your 665 please start a new post as this one concerns the 595. Thanks
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Re: Mapsource & Zumo595?

Post by jfheath »

There are issues with using Mapsource for devices with the Trip Planner App - like the 590, 595, 39x and XT.

They may not affect you, but it helps to be aware of them.

1. As already stated, you have to have your Zumo set to use Mass Storage Mode, not Media Transfer Protocol (MTP). Mass Storage Mode makes the device behave like a disk drive, and it is easy to spot this as it is shown as having drive letters associated with Internal Storage and the SD card. This means that before you unplug the USB cable, you must 'eject' the drive using the options on the computer screen. If you do not do this the file may not be transferred at all, or it may be only partially transferred - loosing the last part of the file.

This is because when you write files to a disk drive, the file doesn't go direct to the drive. It gets written to the computers internal memory. A cache. A separate processor than handles the transfer of the cache to the disk - which it will do when it feels like it. If you unplug the cable, the computer will have moved on to its next task, but the data may still be sitting in the cache waiting to be written to the disk.

Not a problem - you just have to remember to formally eject the diski every time before you unplug the USB cable.

2. Garmin report that some people have had routing problems with the 590 and 595 routes that have come from mapsource. The nature of these problems and the circumstances have not been given. I used Mapsource for a while when I got my 590 . I think BC was still being 'improved' at the time.

3. Routes from Mapsource show up as Shaping points in the Zumo. There are no Via Points in Mapsource, although they can be changed to Vias in the 595. Do not change them back to Shaping points though. The 595 and the XT will often move the point to a faster road, and give it a new name. This issue doesn't appear on the 590.
Waypoints created in Mapsource do not get transferred with the route to the Zumo favourites. You will have to transfer those separately.

Nothing that you cannot cope with, but handy to know about in case they crop up.
But the point is that the Trip Planner models of Zumo have different features and characterstics. Basecamp was written for those devices, Mapsource wasn't. But Mapsource is as good as, if not better than, many of the third party apps that are available for route planning - many of which also do not recognise the needs of the later Zumos.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

Links: Zumo 590/5 & BC . . . Zumo XT & BC . . . Navigating with Zumo Booklet